F-d over by FOC incompetence

And your cc info is compromised for sure. Go get your card canceled and order a credit activity monitoring.
It’s almost guarenteed anyone everyone who ordered from them in 2022 are ####ed up one way or another
That would have been worth a consideration, They called me pretty quickly once I posted this, but didn't offer any other compromise.

IMO you should be more pissed at the government that the store. Yeah they ####ed up. Mistakes happen. We're all human, we all make them from time to time. But before the handgun freeze they would have been able to fix this.
Looks like they indeed ####ed up...the problem is, that at this point there is no legal way they can correct that mistake anymore...
Good grief? I can be pissed? They had one job, submit the transfer, double check the numbers, doset matter if it's busy, I gave them my business to get that simple task right. To each their own, you may be happy with a consolidation. 22 pistol I'm not, don't want it. You may be happy with 20% discount I'm not, ill admit they tried to make good on an error, but it's an error that should never have happened.

I'd be pissed too, but there isn't much they can do for you at this point. People make mistakes. What more an they offer you now?
Add two more to the list. Me and my buddy made two purchases in Sept. They failed to file both transfers. Our third buddy ordered the same time and received his. Myself and the third got hit with cc fraud. I had a new card issued, and again before I even made a purchase on this CC it was hacked. I'm, just realizing this now. That third individual was a victim of identity fraud. Not sure if this is related to FOC's breech. But I am wondering now if I am a victim as well. FML.
Like I said in the FOC credit card fraud post, one action we can take is express our own experience with FOC on google reviews. It will last longer than these forum posts and help prevent others from dealing with a company that doesn't have its act together.

Hopefully it will provide the motivation to FOC to try and fix their broken processes.

FOC google link

How to leave a review screenshot

Didn't they say in that thread that they had identified an issue and fixed it?


In October of 2022, we were informed by VISA that there was a security issue on our website resulting in the fraudulent use of credit cards that affected up to 200 clients spanning a four-month period prior. We recognize the severity of this breach and respect your critical right to privacy and confidence in using our platform. Immediate and urgent actions taken have been successful in rectifying this.

A thorough PCI investigation was outsourced to a security firm who conducted a full audit on our website, the scope of which scrutinized our website’s firewall, coding, and remote access and activity logs. The findings revealed a vulnerability in our payment module that had been exploited to allow malware to record credit card information during Checkout.

We want to assure you that, as of 07 Nov, the vulnerability has been patched, and our online security has been upgraded. We have hired a dedicated company that will provide their firewall services to us ongoing, which includes 24/7 monitoring and alerting of potential malicious web activity, and to continually ensure that we are PCI-compliant.

We have been assured that the focus of the malware attack had been on credit card information specifically, and that no other critical personal data points had been targeted.

During this ordeal, many of you have reached out to us and provided personal experiences and information that have aided greatly in achieving resolution. Your collective willingness to offer support despite the exigent circumstances is humbling. To all those affected by fraudulent uses of your credit card, and all who faced the prospect of its exposure, we are abjectly and sincerely sorry.

Your privacy, security, and trust are of utmost importance to us, and its breach is regretful and something we take very seriously. We have taken the lessons learned from this experience and applied them to continue growing and serving you in the future.

Alfredo Pellegrino

Yeah, looks like they've already addressed it... so you're telling people to leave negative google reviews so they fix something that was already fixed?...
Have you tried calling the CFO and explaining the situation to them? I've meet a couple of the ladies at a previous Toronto Sportsman Show. They're good people and very friendly.
Didn't they say in that thread that they had identified an issue and fixed it?

Yeah, looks like they've already addressed it... so you're telling people to leave negative google reviews so they fix something that was already fixed?...

In my opinion, hiding it until it became public is not fixing the issue. They have still not reached out to those affected directly, but rather they posted a half hearted apology on this forum with no follow-up. There are many other folks who are negatively affected, and I believe it is FOC's duty to reach out to us and see how they can assist, not the other way around. So no, I do not think they have fixed their culture. So yes, leaving a negative review, will potentially spur them into further action as these angry posts seemingly have no affect.
Have you tried calling the CFO and explaining the situation to them? I've meet a couple of the ladies at a previous Toronto Sportsman Show. They're good people and very friendly.

A reasonable suggestion ? On CGN ? In a rant thread ?


Seriously though, that sucks OP.
A reasonable suggestion ? On CGN ? In a rant thread ?


Seriously though, that sucks OP.

Is it a reasonable suggestion though? The CFP can't do anything, the regulations were changed, they can't approve transfers unless you're an Olympian at this point and no bureaucrat is going to risk their career over this. And even if they could you can pretty much guarantee FOC doesn't have a PDP sitting around to fix the issue, and they can't import more either.
So they didn't offer a discount on what you already paid for bought want you to dump more money on them and buy more stuff!? Ya, they don't give a crap. Totally disingenuous.
You can go scorched earth on them. Call your cc, open up a fraud claim. You will get your money and keep the pistol as well after they take 3 months to sort out.
Is it a reasonable suggestion though? The CFP can't do anything, the regulations were changed, they can't approve transfers unless you're an Olympian at this point and no bureaucrat is going to risk their career over this. And even if they could you can pretty much guarantee FOC doesn't have a PDP sitting around to fix the issue, and they can't import more either.

Reasonable doesn't imply high odds of success. I have no idea if the CFO has the capacity to consider it an amendment to an existing transfer and if I were in the OPs shoes, I'd spend the 20 min to find out. But you are correct that if FOC doesn't have the actual pistol he ordered on hand, it is a moot point.

I'm just shocked there was an answer that wasn't a) bashing the vendor or b) bashing the op.
Really? They made a mistake during an unprecedented buying spree, apologized for it, and offered to refund you. Then they offered you 20% off anything as an additional apology if you kept it?

Those bastards, if only they admitted that they messed up, offered a refund, offered 20% off another purchase if you choose to keep it. (Hopefully you catch the sarcasm there)

Good grief

So OP stuck with something he never wanted AND lost out on something that he can now no longer get. Yet somehow he's to blame because he's refusing band-aid solutions? C'mon man. Good grief yourself.
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