Remington MCS Clones at Dlask Arms Corp.

Are you asking for a 14 inch barrel but with the lug at the 10 inch location ?

Couldn't resist any longer, gave in and ordered one of your 10" 870 models the other day. Been staring at them for sometime now, really happy you still had one left.
Would love to see another barrel option for these beauty's like you described above if possible in the future...
We have stripped down some donor guns already and once the Bren 2 parts rush is over I will push to modify them to make some of the 8.5 and 10 inch versions. You guys have been very patient and for that I say - THANK YOU. These guns will come and so will stand along barrels. Just so many things to do and so little time to do them...

We *may* have something special coming as a collaboration with another vendor that is pretty cool but right now we are all herding ducks around to try and make it happen for y'all. ( :
Thanks for the update and really looking forward to whatever products you got brewing over there :)
Thanks for the update and really looking forward to whatever products you got brewing over there :)

Well it's about damn time to get out some 870's. This has been a monkey on my back for about a year now, since the last run sold out. Sorry again for the delay but they are incredibly time consuming to make so we need to MAKE the time and that's not always financially feasible unfortunately.
Well it's about damn time to get out some 870's. This has been a monkey on my back for about a year now, since the last run sold out. Sorry again for the delay but they are incredibly time consuming to make so we need to MAKE the time and that's not always financially feasible unfortunately.

You'll want to be stocked up on 870 and TUF-22 production when the day comes to reopen the 1911 and AR lines!
Are you asking for a 14 inch barrel but with the lug at the 10 inch location ?

Yes, I have most of an MCS, all the stocks, 18 and 10” barrels. The 14 is by far the hardest to find in Canada, as the imported guns all seemed to have the 18 and you’ve made some 10’s in the past.

If you want to go crazy the 11” breacher would be cool too.
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