New store is looking great!


CGN Ultra frequent flyer
Rating - 100%
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Stopped by the store for a quick visit and it is looking great! i cant believe how similar it looks to the old store. You sure kept the look and feel.


I'll be back in a few weeks to do a full photo tour but in the meantime, some of my favourites, including the McMillan TAC .308, B&T APC Pro and B&T APR338





(this is what happens to your hair when you drive with the window and sunroof open lol)


See you soon!

out of curiosity are you paid or getting nice reduction to promote here that store? you re mostly promoting them here ...

Have to have someone shilling for them after the #### storm of negative publicity due to the fraud that they completely ignored pretty much.
both of your posts (as well as those of the handful of disruptors in every single thread) are well beyond ridiculous at this point and also against several CGN rules

1) making claims that border on libel and racism (that FOC is in cahoots with China and Russia)
2) insulting other members and bullying anyone who dares say something positive about tFOC
3) bringing up issues from threads that have been locked
4) bringing up issues in multiple threads that have nothing to do with the issue

etc etc etc

your righteous indignation is ridiculous. you think because you were wronged that you get to disrupt the forum non-stop. it's like standing in FOC's parking lot with signs and spitting and trying to shame customers going in and out

get it through your head, not everyone had a bad experience at FOC and not everyone hates them like you do.
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never posted anything related to racism or whatever you felt about ... never bullying as well but maybe you re too woke and too liberals to understand if someone wondered about your intentions ...

so im pretty sure you ll be promoted soon as a moderator lol ...

if im looking about the most of your threads they re about FOC so i have all the rights to question it but i can understand you re not willing to answer ...
well you obviously dont know how to use the search function because i have over 8500 posts and i have posted literally THOUSANDS of pics over the years. I stopped updating my "Gun store tour" thread with pictures of gun stores across Canada when it hit 1000 pics so your claim that i only post about FOC is ridiculous. My TACCOM and SHOT Show review threads have over 1000 pics combined etc.

but i dont owe you an explanation nor do i have to tolerate your insults and accusations

your posts are well beyond ridiculous at this point and also against several CGN rules

1) making claims that border on libel and racism (that FOC is in cahoots with China and Russia)
2) insulting other members and bullying anyone who dares say something positive about tFOC
3) bringing up issues from threads that have been locked
4) bringing up issues in multiple threads that have nothing to do with the issue

etc etc etc

your righteous indignation is ridiculous. you think because you were wronged that you get to disrupt the forum non-stop. it's like standing in FOC's parking lot with signs and spitting and trying to shame customers going in and out

get it through your head, not everyone had a bad experience at FOC and not everyone hates them like you do.


If I lived close enough I absolutely would stand out front of their store with signs and warn all their customers. What a great idea! Maybe a local member can take up this great cause.
never posted anything related to racism or whatever you felt about ... never bullying as well but maybe you re too woke and too liberals to understand if someone wondered about your intentions ...

so im pretty sure you ll be promoted soon as a moderator lol ...

if im looking about the most of your threads they re about FOC so i have all the rights to question it but i can understand you re not willing to answer ...

You’ve been around here enough but you’re totally out of touch in this thread. He’s posted reviews of numerous stores and gun events over the years and I’ve not seen any shilling on any of his posts. Get a grip,
Did not know this store existed so close to me!

I’m loyal to Solelyoutdoors but I’ll definitely come take a gander for some deals ��
well you obviously dont know how to use the search function because i have over 8500 posts and i have posted literally THOUSANDS of pics over the years. I stopped updating my "Gun store tour" thread with pictures of gun stores across Canada when it hit 1000 pics so your claim that i only post about FOC is ridiculous. My TACCOM and SHOT Show review threads have over 1000 pics combined etc.

but i dont owe you an explanation nor do i have to tolerate your insults and accusations


well i looked into the thread you created and it gave 7 pages with my settings and over 11 only for the same dealer.

i did not insult you and just asked if you got a rebate from that store like it or not still a forum where we can talk and question about some issues including the ones creating the buzz for stores ...
You’ve been around here enough but you’re totally out of touch in this thread. He’s posted reviews of numerous stores and gun events over the years and I’ve not seen any shilling on any of his posts. Get a grip,

cool thank you for supporting without even looking the threads created by the op ...
well i looked into the thread you created and it gave 7 pages with my settings and over 11 only for the same dealer.

i did not insult you and just asked if you got a rebate from that store like it or not still a forum where we can talk and question about some issues including the ones creating the buzz for stores ...

calling me a shill and a liberal and questioning my integrity is definitely an insult. do you work for a competitor? are you a disgruntled employee? who is paying you to do damage to FOC? what is your TRUE motivation and agenda?

since you are clearly incapable, here are some examples

now i have wasted enough time on you. get out of my thread. your credit card issue has NOTHING to do with me . NOTHING.
Should get a shave and a haircut. I have seen at least 2 other posts from you about FOC in the past. I bought from them once and did not have any problems but they charge both PST/GST for BC residents and they are constantly spamming my inbox with their "sales". I get it, that big store has to be paid off somehow.
I was a big fan of FOC until they took my CC information while knowing full well their system was compromised. As a small business owner that's a big no no in my books... I now buy elsewhere even if prices are higher.

Nice new store though...
where did i call you a shill? i do not know what the word means ... now you accused me of being racist you posted that it is your words not mine that FOC is in cahoots with China and Russia sorry but if you cant point it you are accusing me lol do you understand what you did?

never worked for foc for sure what about you? my agenda is very simple foc took their time to ship my last pistol (seems not like your hk) and im just unhappy customer that got 2 cc compromised and you re the joy to bring positive attitude lol great but some are not as happy as you.

i wont post all the threads you created about foc but you did a few and surprinsingly some look like damage control in the new web area ...
Should get a shave and a haircut. I have seen at least 2 other posts from you about FOC in the past. I bought from them once and did not have any problems but they charge both PST/GST for BC residents and they are constantly spamming my inbox with their "sales". I get it, that big store has to be paid off somehow.

oh really which ones? was it my photo review of their original grand opening? of the grand opening of their second store? of their Project Unuum launch party? The three TACCOM shows they put on? you really should check out my 535 pics from the last TACCOM, next one is in September.

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