New store is looking great!

I've never bought from them but when I go to their website my internet has a warning not to add sensitive info like credit cards and banking info

However I am curious how the op gets into shotshow. Kinda my life mission on days I'm feeling adventurous. Then reality kicks in and I realise I'll never get to go.
As much as I do enjoy seeing photo tours of stores I haven't been to there's a severe lack of classic vintage doubles. Whether it's personal differences or just lack of product at visited stores I don't know. Anyway. Photo on bro
I have never ordered from them because everything I want is out of my price range.
Champagne taste, beer budget.
Thank my lucky butt I don't live near them or we'd be on a first name basis.
However I am curious how the op gets into shotshow.

As much as I do enjoy seeing photo tours of stores I haven't been to there's a severe lack of classic vintage doubles.

I believe RL1 actually has a blog and other 'gun related social media and reporting' sufficient to be seen as 'industry media' for the event.

I like when RL1 does knife pictures and reviews, and adding a few classic vintage doubles & combos would be awesome! I have actually contacted a knife maker and made an order from RL1's photos once.
wow really? which knifemaker?

Yes i got a media pass for SHOT show (2018 and 2020) because of my connection to CGN at the time as well as 6 published articles in High Capacity Magazine, my personal blog etc. Media pass is the best as it allows you to take pics and attend the Industry Day at the range where you can shoot full auto and suppressed for free :)

Unfortunately, my original picture hosting site (Fototime) got destroyed by that server fire in France (killing some 3 million websites) so a lot of my pics no longer appear online but i can re-upload my pics of the Beretta store which had very high end (like $93,000) shotguns including a Parallelo...from my pre-beard days (yes, that is a Beretta necktie...and hat)


Yo ignore the haters. They straight be yo Op's fo sho.

Keep balling and posting pics.

Some things are for life. Wu-Tang is forever.

ah yes, i remember now. cool knife! and i look forward to the next Great Lakes show next month

Some people can be so sensitive. So what if the business committed fraud and lied to their customers? We are Canadians! We've been voting liberal for 10 years despite the liberals lying to us and defrauding us on every turn.
I've been to the new store a couple of times in recent times and made some purchases. Largely because they had some items in stock that I wanted. I was a new customer I felt like I was treated well. I liked their layout and everything was neat and tidy. I have nothing negative to say as my transactions were done at the store and in person.
Stopped by the store for a quick visit and it is looking great! i cant believe how similar it looks to the old store. You sure kept the look and feel.


I'll be back in a few weeks to do a full photo tour but in the meantime, some of my favourites, including the McMillan TAC .308, B&T APC Pro and B&T APR338





(this is what happens to your hair when you drive with the window and sunroof open lol)


See you soon!


Those guns look scary, better not let Poly see them...
The new store location is just a stone's throw from my parents' place so while visiting them recently I thought I'd drop by the store. Glad I did - saw a guy there that used to work another LGS that I frequented often and I have a great deal of respect for this guy. He (Tank) has steered me right so many times - he is a great character guy. Definitely he is an asset at FOC and I will drop by more often knowing that he's there now. Had quick chat with him while I picked up my items.

I do like the layout of the new store - it's clean, bright and well organized.
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