Last Shipment of Type 81 SR

It would need the accuracy level that other prolific 54r rifles provide (1-2moa'ish) to warrant the cartridge IMO.

The Type 81s including the SR currently produce around 3moa which allows them to effectively hit reasonable sized targets out to 600 yards which matches the effective reach of 7.62x39 perfectly.
It is a rimmed cartridge. So no to your statement. 7.62x51 would be logical.

It would cost around $2,500 or more since it would require a new design. I doubt many of the people crying for it would actually buy it.

No to what part? Sure x51 would make more sense but an SVD wannabe would be cooler in x54.
Chambering the T81 for the 7.62x54R or any other full-power cartridge would require a complete redesign of the entire gun, they'll say "just get the SVD. Oh you can't because it's prohibited? Too bad.". Now if they made the 5.56mm version on the other hand, that would be interesting.
Good luck with selling this rifle for $1500...
It is not worth more then $700 without accesories and scope.
And the caliber7.62X39 for the rifle which looks like long range gun is not a good choice....
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