BCL Px19 foxbat did anyone who ordered got it?

Everyone who passed on this garbage has been enjoying their PSA Daggers this past year (which were available when the dingbat was announced). Good luck guys.
Dang, someone should slap NS and BCLs nuts and get them going. I'd be pretty pissed. Hopefully the guns reach you guys soon and hopefully they work fine
Cool story Bro!
What was the point of this post?

Good question. I almost bought one just to have one more gun in the stable. WTF is wrong with that? Buddy is just angry at the world I guess, pathetic really. Most are aware of BCL by now, it doesn't change the fact it was an opportunity for another gun.
it doesn't change the fact it was an opportunity for another gun.

You're acting like it was the only option, meanwhile no-one actually has one yet. At this point it was an opportunity for a registration certificate for hot air.

God forbid someone who bought one gets their life turned upside down by the horse cops before these magically appear. I sincerely doubt the royal gestapo will believe that it hasn’t showed up yet. After all, its been over a year now… any competent company would have this done long ago.

I would be unsurprised if its revealed they don't have the money to actually produce them and this is all a sham.
They reached out finally saying they were being assembled and painted after what they hope to be shipping by late december.

BtW, those pissing on this product i hope you are wrong. Ill let you know my comments once i get mine.
They reached out finally saying they were being assembled and painted after what they hope to be shipping by late december.

BtW, those pissing on this product i hope you are wrong. I’ll let you know my comments once i get mine.

This shipping date has changed multiple times already.
I am glad to see I am not the only one. I try to support BCL as much as I can, but I feel like this whole process could have been handled a bit better regarding communication. From what I recall there were 66-68 people who managed to get their money in and paperwork processed in time. I had tried twice on the last year or so to get updates from BCL and wasn’t thrilled with how they responded. I have since sent requests to SFRC so they can inquire on my behalf and it has worked better to know what the current status is of the pistols, whether they were in the middle of a machining process or off to be cerakoted. I really hope they live up to our expectations. I can understand peoples hesitance and criticism of this process and BCL, I absolutely accept being a bit of a Guinea pig for this pistol, I just feel a lot of frustrations could have been avoided with a little more communication.
I am glad to see I am not the only one. I try to support BCL as much as I can, but I feel like this whole process could have been handled a bit better regarding communication. From what I recall there were 66-68 people who managed to get their money in and paperwork processed in time. I had tried twice on the last year or so to get updates from BCL and wasn’t thrilled with how they responded. I have since sent requests to SFRC so they can inquire on my behalf and it has worked better to know what the current status is of the pistols, whether they were in the middle of a machining process or off to be cerakoted. I really hope they live up to our expectations. I can understand peoples hesitance and criticism of this process and BCL, I absolutely accept being a bit of a Guinea pig for this pistol, I just feel a lot of frustrations could have been avoided with a little more communication.

You are absolutely right, i got some very bad answers just like if they were trying to buy time. I hate to be taken like a fool! Last time i got that they were hoping to ship them by end of December. We will see, the fact is since we all got our transfers, thet will ship them to us directly so please whoever fets theirs , let us know.
Latest from BCL today.
Good Morning,

My name is Zack, Carrie is no longer with BCL, however I will be happy to assist you here on out. The PX19's are starting to ship out today. I do not know in what order they are going out, but there is some light being seen at the end of the tunnel now. We appreciate your loyalty and patience.

Please feel free to reach out for anything.


Latest from BCL today.
Good Morning,

My name is Zack, Carrie is no longer with BCL, however I will be happy to assist you here on out. The PX19's are starting to ship out today. I do not know in what order they are going out, but there is some light being seen at the end of the tunnel now. We appreciate your loyalty and patience.

Please feel free to reach out for anything.



Thanks for the update. Hopefully its a direct ship instead of being sent to the retailor who in turn will send them out. Fingers crossed before the end of the year.
Thanks for the update. Hopefully its a direct ship instead of being sent to the retailor who in turn will send them out. Fingers crossed before the end of the year.

They are going to the distributor who is then sending them to the dealers who will send them to customers. I'm hoping a good chunk of them arrive here next week...we'll ship ours as soon as they arrive.

They are going to the distributor who is then sending them to the dealers who will send them to customers. I'm hoping a good chunk of them arrive here next week...we'll ship ours as soon as they arrive.


Thank for the update Ryan. Looking forward to receiving my tracking number from you.
A Dingbat has left its cave. Hahaha, oh man, can't wait to read all about the disappointment this thing will be.
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