Bill C-21 Passed in Senate - What now?

Except for me. My family tree is traced back to the same location I currently live. Long before Canada ever existed. The Jesuit priests wrote about my ancestors in the late 1600s at first European contact.

That’s awesome brother! I hope you are willing to share your culture with those who wish to listen. More important now than ever.
I do. Tried to on this forum. Was told to "stop creating division".

Yes that is the uneducated for you, much of the time they resist understanding actual history or being educated. My great great whatever came here from Scotland and England at some point in recent history, like most others. All the best to you man, my respect!
I just joined to piss you off ;)

I wonder how many of the commenters here will be retracting their statements regarding democratic election come 2026 when Pierre is elected; and how many will be disappointed that many of the policies and laws brought in by LPC are not reversed in the years after.

And yeah, Martha Stewart is awesome!

Your doing a great job constable!
Brother, ain't that the truth! Still pissed with the handgun freeze. Wish I had bought a lot more.

Are you married? I had to tell my wife we aren’t going on vacation for the next 5 years…you can imagine how that went lol. Having said that I still wish I could have landed my hands on that Dan Wesson DWX. That was one on my bucket list that escaped that I still think about :p (and the new 226 x-five legion…ok yeah there are a few more).

For me I don’t think I’ll buy any more for the time being as I have enough paper weights sitting in the safe…but hey at least the world is a safer place lol
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