Bill C-21 Passed in Senate - What now?

There is nothing that the Trudeau Liberal government can do , that can't be undone by a CPC government in time . Get involved with the CPC , and let your voices be heard . For those who can't be bothered doing anything , then Trudeau is your man , get used to it .
Agreed, I came to Canada 50 yrs ago as an immigrant as well, but the requirements in those days were totally different than today, we had to have qualifications, be fluent in English, have prospect of being able to find employment.
Nowadays they seem to let anyone in if they claim to be a refugee from a who knows where.

I still don't see why that has to do with C21.
we got what they voted for keep flooding the country with immigrants that do not contribute to the country

I’m an immigrant as well, not sure why you would sling that kind of accusation without any proof. The only thing this does is create further division. I’ve seen how politics divides people and the results of that, hence why I’m here.
I still don't see why that has to do with C21.

What it has to do with C-21 and all the previous restrictions is that I was lucky enough to experience the great country that Canada used to be, being able to buy a rifle or shotgun without having to jump through so many hoops and not having all the stupid restrictions nowadays.
I feel sorry for the younger generations that want to get into the shooting sport.
They vote for him because in their eyes he's their saviour

70% of the Canadian population is white... even if every single minority, including the alphabet soup banned together and voted one way, it is not enough to get one party in power. Statistically, it is white Canadians who were born here that created this problem. Blaming others abritaraly because of their race or country of origin gives an easy pass to the white friends and family who you believe can not do anything wrong. The only way society will change for the better is if you leave your biases and racism at the door. It is a difficult pill to swallow but statistics are statistics and the facts are the facts.
Immigrant, first gen firearm owner, working on the second gen, not going down without a righteous fight, will never vote liberal as long as I’m alive.
It’s really very amusing that these ridiculous Libs think that all of those non-res “assault style” guns will get handed in.
If they thought there was mass non-compliance with the LGR, then they’re in for a shock.

The Lib government will fall. It’s just a matter of time.
70% of the Canadian population is white... even if every single minority, including the alphabet soup banned together and voted one way, it is not enough to get one party in power. Statistically, it is white Canadians who were born here that created this problem. Blaming others abritaraly because of their race or country of origin gives an easy pass to the white friends and family who you believe can not do anything wrong. The only way society will change for the better is if you leave your biases and racism at the door. It is a difficult pill to swallow but statistics are statistics and the facts are the facts.

The liberals would not be adding 2% to our population per year in mostly indian and african immigrants if they voted conservative lmao. Also Nobody "voted" for this, like most liberal policies it was decided with no transparency in some back room based on what would help them politically. We need immigration but surely having some requirements like "speaking English or french" "having a skill" and "not having a history of molesting children" are pretty common sense and will help keep new liberal voters to a minimum.
There is nothing that the Trudeau Liberal government can do , that can't be undone by a CPC government in time . Get involved with the CPC , and let your voices be heard . For those who can't be bothered doing anything , then Trudeau is your man , get used to it .

WRONG...THE SENATE PASSED IT..Needs the upper house to undo it and since they are appointed it's unlikely to happen.
we got what they voted for keep flooding the country with immigrants that do not contribute to the country

Immigration is excessive & poorly done in this country under the Libs, yes, BUT that’s no reason to be “anti-immigrant”.

I’m in BC. Our shooting community has tons of immigrants. They are AWESOME people and they contribute a lot to the sport. Try talking to a recent immigrant from China about owning guns. These folks know what it means to be ruled by Big Brother…
70% of the Canadian population is white... even if every single minority, including the alphabet soup banned together and voted one way, it is not enough to get one party in power. Statistically, it is white Canadians who were born here that created this problem. Blaming others abritaraly because of their race or country of origin gives an easy pass to the white friends and family who you believe can not do anything wrong. The only way society will change for the better is if you leave your biases and racism at the door. It is a difficult pill to swallow but statistics are statistics and the facts are the facts.

It also simply doesn't add up. The Liberals under Teudeau senior got a larger percentage of the vote than Turd Jr ever did. At the same time, the population of this country has doubled, with a large portion of the being through immigration. If immigrants were the Liberal Only voters these racists claim they are there would be ZERO chance for the CPC, yet the CPC had MORE VOTES in the last election.

Simply put its a racist dog whistle and nothing more.
This reminds me of the time when everyone bought an "AR" before the ban, thinking they would be grandfathered. Oops! Don't worry, I got burnt on that as well.

I haven't spent a single dollar on firearms in a very long time. Why? Because I see the writing on the wall. Do I like it? No, but I'm convinced, now more than ever, that absolutely nothing short of a violent event, which I don't condone, will ever reserve our current path.

I'm currently single and thinking that an American bride just might be in my future, lol. Canada, the country I love, has become a $hit hole.
WRONG...THE SENATE PASSED IT..Needs the upper house to undo it and since they are appointed it's unlikely to happen.
Not quite. "If, however, the Senate makes amendments to a bill, it sends a message to the House with the text of the amendments. If the House does not agree with the Senate amendments, it adopts a motion stating the reasons for its disagreement, which it communicates in a message to the Senate. If the Senate wishes the amendments to stand nonetheless, it sends a message back to the House, which then accepts or rejects the proposed changes (in practice, most times the Senate will accept the decision of the House). If an agreement cannot be reached by exchanging messages, the House that has possession of the bill may ask that a conference be held, although this practice has fallen into disuse". ( The CPC government can pass a legislation that would undo Bill C-21. They can also make substantive changes to the Firearms Act introducing a simplified firearm classification system. Obviously, if they have the guts to do it.
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This reminds me of the time when everyone bought an "AR" before the ban, thinking they would be grandfathered. Oops! Don't worry, I got burnt on that as well.

I haven't spent a single dollar on firearms in a very long time. Why? Because I see the writing on the wall. Do I like it? No, but I'm convinced, now more than ever, that absolutely nothing short of a violent event, which I don't condone, will ever reserve our current path.

I'm currently single and thinking that an American bride just might be in my future, lol. Canada, the country I love, has become a $hit hole.

I don’t know, I think Trudeau might change his mind in time for Christmas. Plus hey, Canada has a very long history of reversing such gun control laws, so I’m sure it will be fine.
how long till next election?

Oct 2025. Very unlikely they'd call it early given current poll results putting them WAY behind the CPC.

Not quite. "If, however, the Senate makes amendments to a bill, it sends a message to the House with the text of the amendments. If the House does not agree with the Senate amendments, it adopts a motion stating the reasons for its disagreement, which it communicates in a message to the Senate. If the Senate wishes the amendments to stand nonetheless, it sends a message back to the House, which then accepts or rejects the proposed changes (in practice, most times the Senate will accept the decision of the House). If an agreement cannot be reached by exchanging messages, the House that has possession of the bill may ask that a conference be held, although this practice has fallen into disuse". ( The CPC government can pass a legislation that would undo Bill C-21. They can also make substantive changes to the Firearms Act introducing a simplified firearm classification system. Obviously, if they have the guts to do it.

Who cares. If the CPC repeal it the next Liberal Majority (and there WILL be another) can just do the same thing. An election buys is time, but it's only a stop gap solution.

The only long term solution is going to be convincing enough Left-leaning voters that licensed gun owners and their guns are not only not a threat to public safety, but we're a waste of precious resources too. I've educated a lot of people on this topic, but I'm only one person. If every single gun owner could reach 5 people, this fight would be over - 2.2m pal holders x5, we'd have 13mil on our side and only 17mil voted last election. Not an easy task, but it's all we've got. As long as the public opinion is guns=bad we are ####ed, no political party can save us long term, only the voters can.
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