Here is a story for identity politics...

What "do you people" think?

Should I implant the red firetruck flasher left or right? It leaves only one position for the other light.
Yellow on top is a given, though...

BTW., How can I make the best money on transitioning?
What "do you people" think?

Should I implant the red firetruck flasher left or right? It leaves only one position for the other light.
Yellow on top is a given, though...

BTW., How can I make the best money on transitioning?

I read your comment and immedietly became offended when I read "you people". First, I identify as the letter "U" and you did not spell my identity correctly when you wrote "YOU". I also identify as the animal "Yew" for which you purposely and maliciously misspelled (yews have feeling too!). Now I'm really triggered by "people". My pronouns are pee/pole. Again, you misspelled my identity...basically a hate crime at this point. All of this hate, I need some fresh air. Air. Sounds like Air-ian or Aryan...typical white supremacy...sigh....sniffles...��
Didn't think you'd have anything of note :)

Have fun being part of a dying demographic/interest. Self inflicted wound. Gatekeeping and acting like a 10 year old only helps Sockboy legislate everyone into nonexistence faster but hey, you get to be based overgrown kid.


It's a lol, fighter lol, really lol, putting up fight lol. I'm smarter and more virtuous lol, than lol, you. Lol

Did I mention lol. You know where you sit up high, lol talking lol, to usums lol. But make sure, lol, you say lol, so lol, it seems your lol, joking. While appearing to do good, but making lol, evil, lol statements.

Should I lol, catch n release? Probably at least useful rototilled into the garden for lol, fertilizer lol. Gotta gettum beforeems they spawns, lol.
It's a lol, fighter lol, really lol, putting up fight lol. I'm smarter and more virtuous lol, than lol, you. Lol

Did I mention lol. You know where you sit up high, lol talking lol, to usums lol. But make sure, lol, you say lol, so lol, it seems your lol, joking. While appearing to do good, but making lol, evil, lol statements.

Should I lol, catch n release? Probably at least useful rototilled into the garden for lol, fertilizer lol. Gotta gettum beforeems they spawns, lol.

Evil lol


And I'm sure you have evidence such a policy exists? Western Standard would be all over this sort of thing if it's true?

Course he doesn't, we're just supposed to believe something so incredibly implausible cause some guy on the internet said so.

Not only is it policy not to arrest people who self identify and just let them go, but no media org ever picked up on this and it never became a scandal....
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Are you not able to hunt with the AR-15, M305, CZ 58, etc ?

Here's the Runkle video I mentioned, he does a really good job of breaking down why I don't think this temporary exemption was to be trusted at all.

Also note where the exemption itself says "rights under Sec. 35 of The Constitution Act *OR* if the firearm is used to sustain that person or their family"

It was never just for Indigenous people...but even if it was, if I was hunting with say an M305 and I actually have non restricted firearms not prohibited by the ban, does that mean I am in violation of the law?
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