A Tale of Two Tenda's

I have had the exact same experience there.
I tell myself that I'll never spend my money there again, but I always do because they have better prices and a better selection than other stores.
Yea... I have been there a few times and they are always rude and patronizing. Some of the employees also do not speak English very well and it has been an issue. They do have good prices though! I will give them that.

they fired all their native-English speaking sales folks for some reason.
Tenda ships free over $300 , which isn't a great deal of money in this hobby.

If I was a business owner I'd never take phone orders, to much room for errors.

Long lines are many times due to the customers yapping and yapping.

I was behind a guy not long ago who had ballistic charts and data on his phone, grilling the sales guy for 20 min on a $22 box of 223.

It's not always staff being slow.
Once, when I was picking up a pre-paid item there was a line at the register so I went directly to the side counters to check out the new "toys" first.
I was quickly approached by the next avail staff. Told them I was actually there for a pick-up which they immediately took care of.
I felt bad for the Customers waiting at register que and by the look on their face they obviously had been waiting for a while.
Like others have mentioned, I think they need a dedicated counter for Pick-Up/Returns and a staff responsible for it.....
Maybe send them this post and your CV, they can create a new position for pre-paid order pickups with specific weekend hours you agree to fill. Fix the issue and make some money...?
Maybe send them this post and your CV, they can create a new position for pre-paid order pickups with specific weekend hours you agree to fill. Fix the issue and make some money...?

And you may even get store discounts...
They may not be the best at customer service, but they have always got me what im after at a reasonable price....Ever been for Pho? service on most of those places sucks...But i go for the Pho, not the service.
Customer service is dead. A lot of these companies like Tenda should actually be upping their game in these trying times, instead they treat us like an inconvenience…
Customer service is dead. A lot of these companies like Tenda should actually be upping their game in these trying times, instead they treat us like an inconvenience…

Their prices are the lowest. The absolutely do not need to change anything, they just have to stay the course.
If you don't like it YOU can shop anywhere else you please and get better service.

Tenda will continue to be successful and make a lot of money because they undercut everyone and make the money back on the volume. Their service would have to get much, much worse and they'd have to actively start ripping people off constantly for people to stop shopping there, and even then when it comes down to the bottom line people will overlook virtually everything.
I have a love hate thing with good ole Tenda.
Love their prices, especially when free shipping is involved. But I've been bitten twice with their super slow shipping, where the items I ordered online were bought by in-store customers over the 7-10 day span between ordering and them finally getting around to packing the order up.
I just ordered from them on Monday, everything shipped this morning, that has to be a speed record on their part.
It's actually very simple in the retail world, you pay peanuts, you get monkeys!.....:(

Good staff are difficult to find, but not impossible. It took me over 18 months to find two knowledgeable staff members. Paid them $20.00 an hour to start, then $21.00 after three months probation. If I owned the shop I manage, I would bump them to $25.00 per hour in todays crazy expensive world.

Yes retail usually does not pay very well, but pay minimum wage and you will get idiots. Just my opinion.
Well they already had your money, so why let all those new customers go

It's actually very simple in the retail world, you pay peanuts, you get monkeys!.....:(

Good staff are difficult to find, but not impossible. It took me over 18 months to find two knowledgeable staff members. Paid them $20.00 an hour to start, then $21.00 after three months probation. If I owned the shop I manage, I would bump them to $25.00 per hour in todays crazy expensive world.

Yes retail usually does not pay very well, but pay minimum wage and you will get idiots. Just my opinion.

Help is on the way... apparently the boost that smarter workers get from using AI tools is in the 20 percent range while lower performing people were getting into 30 plus percent improvement.

My brother has a retail business and he was telling me how long it takes to get employees up to speed so that they can answer poorly formed questions from customers about products and support.... by the time you get someone up to speed they are often on to the next opportuinity and you start the process over again.

It sure looks like we will have AI tools soon enough that will be similar to the Babel Fish from the Hitchhicker's Guide to the Galaxy..... the customer walks in and asks a completely incomprehensible question and the AI translates it into something relevant and provides a solution.

The other benefit to new AI systems will likely be lowering of middle and upper management costs with increased performance which should allow the grunts still necessary for now to get a healthy raise.
Their prices are the lowest. The absolutely do not need to change anything, they just have to stay the course.
If you don't like it YOU can shop anywhere else you please and get better service.

Tenda will continue to be successful and make a lot of money because they undercut everyone and make the money back on the volume. Their service would have to get much, much worse and they'd have to actively start ripping people off constantly for people to stop shopping there, and even then when it comes down to the bottom line people will overlook virtually everything.

That reminds me of a Jimbo high volume EE trader.... sells a rifle missing parts and with undisclosed rust and his response is.... " what did you expect for such a good price"
ah yes, the age old "I stood in front of the cash and made passive aggressive comments instead of asking for help". Classic

Now if any of these times and numbers are actually accurate than obviously its bad but acting like a spoiled brat doesnt help. Perhaps there were issues with the orders you wern't privy to? Could be personal information involved or an issue with the RCMP? Literally no way to know anything because you didnt chose to talk to anyone, just spoke to yourself in a room.

I sincerely doubt the 2+ parties and 2 employees stood at the cash the whole time with you waiting in spot 3 and after it ended no one acknowledged you unless it was of your own doing.

A lot of people have zero patience for being abused or dealing with rude people, and as time goes on its getting stronger and stronger. You said it yourself people were visibly and verbally upset. A bit of patience goes a LONG way. You could be a bit understanding to the employees versus being mad at the business and management.

Obviously no one but OP was there but it doesnt sound like you tried to assist yourself by talking to anyone. If i still worked retail and heard someone being an ###### making comments like that i'd ignore them too, otherwise free speech will go both ways.
Once, when I was picking up a pre-paid item there was a line at the register so I went directly to the side counters to check out the new "toys" first.
I was quickly approached by the next avail staff. Told them I was actually there for a pick-up which they immediately took care of.
I felt bad for the Customers waiting at register que and by the look on their face they obviously had been waiting for a while.
Like others have mentioned, I think they need a dedicated counter for Pick-Up/Returns and a staff responsible for it.....

Sounds like you figured out their system.

A simple "take a number" dispenser and a large "serving next" display would keep things orderly.
ah yes, the age old "I stood in front of the cash and made passive aggressive comments instead of asking for help". Classic

Now if any of these times and numbers are actually accurate than obviously its bad but acting like a spoiled brat doesnt help. Perhaps there were issues with the orders you wern't privy to? Could be personal information involved or an issue with the RCMP? Literally no way to know anything because you didnt chose to talk to anyone, just spoke to yourself in a room.

I sincerely doubt the 2+ parties and 2 employees stood at the cash the whole time with you waiting in spot 3 and after it ended no one acknowledged you unless it was of your own doing.

A lot of people have zero patience for being abused or dealing with rude people, and as time goes on its getting stronger and stronger. You said it yourself people were visibly and verbally upset. A bit of patience goes a LONG way. You could be a bit understanding to the employees versus being mad at the business and management.

Obviously no one but OP was there but it doesnt sound like you tried to assist yourself by talking to anyone. If i still worked retail and heard someone being an ###### making comments like that i'd ignore them too, otherwise free speech will go both ways.

You must not get out much…customer service is bad everywhere. We all have stories of going to a shop/store and being ignored by staff or watching a couple of staff chatting away while one person is serving…well, that’s happened to everyone but you evidently.
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