A Tale of Two Tenda's

Almost hate saying this considering the (sometimes) ridiculous lengths I have to go through to satisfy my own customers...BUT.. I think you get what you pay for. Tenda could hire a crack team of pros and pay them enough to even afford a basement apartment within 30kms of the store...but bye bye good prices. There are plenty of more expensive places you can shop and probably get the service you're after.

Not trying to sound smarmy, I hear the OP 100%. I've been there dozens of times now. Best approach when Tenda is busy is to treat it like you're walking into a grocery store.

Gotta find your own stuff, you have to really try if you need to get anyone's attention to ask a question and when it comes time to pay=be prepared for a wait. Not the Epp's kind of wait on the ramp where you have to watch 2-3 real city types window shop/kibbitz with the staff on the gun counter for 15 minutes and not buy anything anyway.

The wrong approach there, unfortunately, is to just expect to be noticed...or to have someone walk up to you and say "can I help you?". However, good prices are good prices....and that's what I'm going there for.
Hey Tenda=another thing. Start carrying SK ammunition, SK Rifle Match to be specific...and figure out how to do that at a fair price like Tesro. You want to see me wait in line?

Do that^ and I probably will.
ah yes, the age old "I stood in front of the cash and made passive aggressive comments instead of asking for help". Classic

Now if any of these times and numbers are actually accurate than obviously its bad but acting like a spoiled brat doesnt help. Perhaps there were issues with the orders you wern't privy to? Could be personal information involved or an issue with the RCMP? Literally no way to know anything because you didnt chose to talk to anyone, just spoke to yourself in a room.

I sincerely doubt the 2+ parties and 2 employees stood at the cash the whole time with you waiting in spot 3 and after it ended no one acknowledged you unless it was of your own doing.

A lot of people have zero patience for being abused or dealing with rude people, and as time goes on its getting stronger and stronger. You said it yourself people were visibly and verbally upset. A bit of patience goes a LONG way. You could be a bit understanding to the employees versus being mad at the business and management.

Obviously no one but OP was there but it doesnt sound like you tried to assist yourself by talking to anyone. If i still worked retail and heard someone being an ###### making comments like that i'd ignore them too, otherwise free speech will go both ways.

You have zero understanding of the situation despite my very detailed account. There was nothing wrong with my order, no RCMP, no information I wasn't privy to, nothing! I simply wasn't being served, period. On my second visit, I immediately asked for help at the counter, trying to avoid a repeat of my first experience. I was told to wait in the pick up line. We were all waiting for someone to serve us. As soon as my turn came, after 45 minutes, the order process took 30 seconds. Here's how it went. Employee: "What's your order number?". Me: "###xx". Employee: "Ok". He goes to the back room, returns with my item, done.

I can tell by your response that you are a "customer service specialist" at your workplace. Is it Tenda? LMAO. I bet it is...

Anywho...I'm done. I knew I shouldn't have bothered posting. Being a long-time CGN member I should have known better. I guess you do get what you pay for, and since I'm cheap, I should expect cheap service. I have to lower my expectations.
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One thing that might help is having a line for pickups and purchases only, and another for firearms transfers/purchases (which ties up the clerks for along time).
Tenda has been great to me, dozens of orders with zero issues, and they ship for free! The semi annual #####ing about tenda threads are getting old….

they aren’t the friendliest, or the fastest/smoothest at in store at all. Dont like their service don’t shop there, pay the extra for “good service” at bass pro, lol. Where do you think complaining about it on here will get ya? do you want them to grovel and apologize for your time “wasted” waiting in line? They have the BEST prices in the province, possibly the country.. the exchange for that is less than optimal service.
I work for a high end Ski and Snowboard shop. We have addressed the same customer service issues by having a large sign right at the door, a dedicated counter and workstation for on line pick ups with an overhead sign to identify it. Then two workstations for service work pick up and drop off. Plus a manager stationed at the door to filter customers into the right department. On a busy weekend there will be a running list of customers for Ski or Snowboard boot fitting. The list ensures customers are serviced in the order they show up. A fairly simple solution but it does only work if all the staff follow procedure. Online pickups are the worst!!!! very few and I mean very few customers have their order number at hand. Then they fumble around in their phone to recover the confirmation email or better yet have to go back outside to get phone from car. All are surprised at the volume of orders we have, most appear to believe they are the exception rather that the one hundred plus orders that are racked up downstairs on numbered shelves waiting pickup. It took two years to refine this system.
I work for a high end Ski and Snowboard shop. We have addressed the same customer service issues by having a large sign right at the door, a dedicated counter and workstation for on line pick ups with an overhead sign to identify it. Then two workstations for service work pick up and drop off. Plus a manager stationed at the door to filter customers into the right department. On a busy weekend there will be a running list of customers for Ski or Snowboard boot fitting. The list ensures customers are serviced in the order they show up. A fairly simple solution but it does only work if all the staff follow procedure. Online pickups are the worst!!!! very few and I mean very few customers have their order number at hand. Then they fumble around in their phone to recover the confirmation email or better yet have to go back outside to get phone from car. All are surprised at the volume of orders we have, most appear to believe they are the exception rather that the one hundred plus orders that are racked up downstairs on numbered shelves waiting pickup. It took two years to refine this system.

Tenda isn’t “High End” It’s the discount warehouse of gun stores, no one wants Tenda to increase their costs with a dedicated counter for the impatient.
Tenda has been great to me, dozens of orders with zero issues, and they ship for free! The semi annual #####ing about tenda threads are getting old….

they aren’t the friendliest, or the fastest/smoothest at in store at all. Dont like their service don’t shop there, pay the extra for “good service” at bass pro, lol. Where do you think complaining about it on here will get ya? do you want them to grovel and apologize for your time “wasted” waiting in line? They have the BEST prices in the province, possibly the country.. the exchange for that is less than optimal service.

Tenda is what it is, you've had great experiences and can't even imagine someone else having a bad expereince even though you point out they are not friendly or smooth and complaints are common.

I'm a little more open to the idea that some of the complaints are justified, but as you point out Tenda does not care that much because people will continue to buy the cheapest products regardless.
Tenda is what it is, you've had great experiences and can't even imagine someone else having a bad expereince even though you point out they are not friendly or smooth and complaints are common.

I'm a little more open to the idea that some of the complaints are justified, but as you point out Tenda does not care that much because people will continue to buy the cheapest products regardless.

I don’t need to imagine his experience at Tenda, we have all had them somewhere, I don’t shop at CanTire myself as they have that level of service, with garbage products and high pricing.

I just don’t understand what anyone expects to come of complaining on the forum about the status quo… Everyone knows Tenda has mediocre service, we like it in exchange for discount pricing. Tenda isn’t coming on here to give OP a BJ in exchange for removing the bad review.. OP isn’t informing the public of some astonishing new fact.. If you want good service there are lots of better places, but that service costs ya, Tenda is for the lowest price period.
Solution for TENDA: Open a dedicated PICK UP ONLY Counter. When there is no one lining up, attend to other customers. Or if there is a line-up, and a staff is available, help out in clearing the line. And if more customers find this still annoying, go somewhere else. Customers have the right to complain about the service, but they also have the right to back out and shop somewhere else. Complaints like this is asking for corrective action. Vendor should also listen to what customers are saying. Win-win to both parties if this can be resolved and service improved further.
They suck, they sold the product i paid for. Never told me, I had to call a few times to get them to talk to me. They wouldn't answer emails. After finally getting thru to someone they wouldn't refund me until I called them out online. It was a 3 month process to get my money back on something they "had in stock" I even got a tracking number that they canceled 2 weeks after they confirmed my order shipped. Also never told me they canceled the shipping until I called them out online. If you're going to deal with tenda, always keep screen shots of your orders and emails ready to throw back in their faces as they won't help you unless you can prove they screwed up. As stated before, I will not deal with these clowns again.
Well, I showed up this afternoon to pick up my ammo. Someone at Tenda must be reading this thread because the first thing I noticed was a sign that said "line up for service here", and people were lined up. Three sales guys were working the line, asking "have you been served?" and "are you next?" It took less than five minutes to pickup my ammo and get back to my car. I was explaining the situation to my oldest son who was with me and seeing how he works retail part time, he indicated different strategies they do in their store to make sure that customers are organized so they know who came first, etc. The Have a designated line up starts here location helps. It was very busy when I went and I expected the worse, but I do think someone there read through this thread and implemented some changes, which is a positive thing.
Well, I showed up this afternoon to pick up my ammo. Someone at Tenda must be reading this thread because the first thing I noticed was a sign that said "line up for service here", and people were lined up. Three sales guys were working the line, asking "have you been served?" and "are you next?" It took less than five minutes to pickup my ammo and get back to my car. I was explaining the situation to my oldest son who was with me and seeing how he works retail part time, he indicated different strategies they do in their store to make sure that customers are organized so they know who came first, etc. The Have a designated line up starts here location helps. It was very busy when I went and I expected the worse, but I do think someone there read through this thread and implemented some changes, which is a positive thing.

Nice, looks like it is possible to offer low prices and be efficient.... win-win.
I don’t need to imagine his experience at Tenda, we have all had them somewhere, I don’t shop at CanTire myself as they have that level of service, with garbage products and high pricing.

I just don’t understand what anyone expects to come of complaining on the forum about the status quo… Everyone knows Tenda has mediocre service, we like it in exchange for discount pricing. Tenda isn’t coming on here to give OP a BJ in exchange for removing the bad review.. OP isn’t informing the public of some astonishing new fact.. If you want good service there are lots of better places, but that service costs ya, Tenda is for the lowest price period.

Apparently they are now walking and chewing gum at the same time...... Go Tenda!
Tenda isn’t “High End” It’s the discount warehouse of gun stores, no one wants Tenda to increase their costs with a dedicated counter for the impatient.

Orders ALWAYS arrive accurate and complete at good pricing by UPS within 10 calander days.

Some people just like to moan and cry about thinking they have been ignored without really knowing what's going on with the staff, their responsibilities or the instructions they have been given
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