New Receptionist Area (Pic Heavy)

I have to freshen up! I need to think of a good opening line. What kind of cologne should I wear?

Hit The Edge after the fun show today and met the new receptionist... she's a very cool person and is handling her new-found fame with much grace and dignity...! As for pics... forget about it boys... she's way, way out of your league... :)

And, while at the fun show, met Marli... also a very cool person... and she worked harder today (and will again tomorrow) than most of us did all of last week...!

J.R. knows how to hire... and the new look for the store is top-notch...!
Hit The Edge after the fun show today and met the new receptionist... she's a very cool person and is handling her new-found fame with much grace and dignity...! As for pics... forget about it boys... she's way, way out of your league... :)

And, while at the fun show, met Marli... also a very cool person... and she worked harder today (and will again tomorrow) than most of us did all of last week...!

J.R. knows how to hire... and the new look for the store is top-notch...!

You taunt me! Oh, how I long to see this cool, graceful, and dignified girl.

I guess I have to start saving for an airplane ticket.
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