The Infidel - update w first group

Very! Very! nice Rick!

Love the flag.
What sort of tolerances are you running in the bolt?
Bench, tactical, or hybrid? :D
This ain't no April fools joke guys. The actions ARE at the Calgary gun show on display.
The tolerances are tight enough for BR work. With NOT fluting the bolt body they will work well as designed for Tactical.
The bolts are not interchangeable with the rem 700 as they are larger in diameter, this was done so as to ensure no loss of integrity of the bolt for use of the M16 style extractor.

We have not finalized the pricing yet but expect them to be in the same range as Defiance, Dakota or Nesika .

The 1st run will be with bolt faces for 308 or similar calibers.
We will be maintaining production year as part of the serial number.
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Do I dare ask what pricing will be????


I can't see it being any worse than some custom/semi-custom actions coming from the states! :cool:

Holy crap Rick, quit making all that cool stuff! :D:dancingbanana:

(Still in for a lefty, whenever that might be. Would love to support a CANUCK manufacturer! :canadaFlag:)
The Surgeon RSR that would compare to this is 796.00 USD. The action looks great Rick but it isn't the same price point. Yours is 1100.00 more. Even the 591 with integral rail converted to Canadian dollars is 1346.00. I think it's great that someone here is making these but for 2 g's it just seems a tad bit on the high side. I know people are going to spank me for this. Don't get me wrong, I think all these new products Alberta Tactical is coming with are really great products and made here. I'm not even bashing all the high prices because anyone can put their prices to what they want in their own business. If you don't like the price then shop around. What I don't like is saying the Canadian price is comparable to a US counterpart when they clearly are not. I'm just calling a spade a spade.
It's a great action Rick. I know it will do well. Yes we do need this here on our soil.
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Well I think as with anything in business when you spend money on design, development, small(er) volume outsourcing, and tooling the product at first comes at a higher price. In Canada at lest there is a smaller market for these types of actions then the states and there for slower return for the money invested. I don't think we will see a Canadian made action with the quality of say a Surgeon, for the same price or cheaper any time soon. I know I wish this wasn't so, but the reality is that most people won't be buying this type of product. Having said that I don't think there is going to be a problem for Risk to sell any of his products, I think he has a pretty good idea on the market for these types of things.

I'm just glad there are Canadian made options out there.
I don't think we are asking for anything cheaper. We're asking for an honest comparable which is achievable. You have to realize that products made here in Canada don't have all the fees attached to them that getting them out of the US adds onto a price of a product. Why are we marking up the Canadian made products and more as if there were all these fees attached to them to say get it from the USA with hassles or get it here with no hassles but alot more money?
A company that would believe the US makes great products for the US guys at certain prices and Canadians make products for the Canadian guys at the same prices would go so far it would blow our minds. Even a little more money is ok but not double.
Very nice looking action. It looks good and solid too. Glad to see it's canadian built.
I think it's out of my price considerations though, I'll have to stick to Barnard's and Vipers around $1100. I do like the maple leaf on the bolt though, nice touch.
I don't think we are asking for anything cheaper. We're asking for an honest comparable which is achievable. You have to realize that products made here in Canada don't have all the fees attached to them that getting them out of the US adds onto a price of a product. Why are we marking up the Canadian made products and more as if there were all these fees attached to them to say get it from the USA with hassles or get it here with no hassles but alot more money?
A company that would believe the US makes great products for the US guys at certain prices and Canadians make products for the Canadian guys at the same prices would go so far it would blow our minds. Even a little more money is ok but not double.

Take this as it is intended, not any sort of flame.
Our actions are superior we believe to Surgeons. The tolerances are held to a tighter degree, the 15-5 material is ALOT more expensive than the CM that Surgeon uses. AND they are fully finished. The Surgeon actions still retain the Remington extractor and the 1s I have here came in like a puzzle ( some assembly required to say the least)
I am not knocking the Surgeon actions they are a great action, but lets compare apples and apples.

I KNOW our actions are more expensive that some, but also know they are ALOT tighter toleranced and the QC is far more stringent.

Also you fail to take into account the conversion of currency and the costs of export, which ARE a factor.
Most firearms related goods are a fair bit less expensive in the US partly thanks to the DOS.
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