M4 carbines

We have a shipment of the Norinco M-4 carbines due in June....



I'm in!!! Can't resist at that price!!! THANK YOU Marstar!


Ah ha! So... "We" ordered another gun did we??? Well now, at that price I can't really call johnone a "bad influence"... Especially seeing as how I PRE-ORDERED ONE TODAY TO!!! HA HA HA!!! And, I'm making mine PINK!!!:dancingbanana:

Ciao for now...
I'm very pleased with mine. no regrets paying the extra to get it last year, but @ $699 I'm thinking another AR in the safe isn't a bad idea.
Any chance of a non restricted verson? I just dont like all that restricted crap. I like a gun I can use out side of the range. Not that this isnt worth the trouble for that price.
Any chance of a non restricted verson? I just dont like all that restricted crap. I like a gun I can use out side of the range. Not that this isnt worth the trouble for that price.

Don't think any AR-15's are non-restricted because of the restriction by name. Are you referring to the XCR instead?

Tried to call this morning to place my name on the list, but the line was busy. I will try harder tomorrow!
John, this is a SUPER price and well done to you for bringing black guns to the hudled masses at a price that really promotes the shooting sports. My take is that the way day follows night, sooner or later the LE establishment or media will do their thing about "evil baby killing black guns that have no legitimate purpose yahda, yahda, yahda........" that should not be allowed in Canada. Again well done and please bring more to our shores, I like my CQ very much but like YOUR prices even more then my 899 gun.
Wooo Hooo...My first Black Rifle...Just got my Confirmation...#4*...They must have a pile to go through. Thanks John and Marstar, looking forward to it's arrival.

Now I have to make some room in my safe, Good excuse to buy another safe...:p :dancingbanana:
in the picture and write up this thing looks as though it has an "ambi" mag release is this the case with all Norico's or just the new ones John's bringing in? also in the picture the fit and finish seem to have been stepped up " not that it won't get painted anyway". answers annyone?
Just arrange a direct deposit from your employer to our bank.... AFter you clear it with your GF or wife....

hahahah she does not move in till June ...HURRY and get some more sweet deals in before then , after that it might be hard to explain ......:D
in the picture and write up this thing looks as though it has an "ambi" mag release is this the case with all Norico's or just the new ones John's bringing in? also in the picture the fit and finish seem to have been stepped up " not that it won't get painted anyway". answers annyone?

The first shipment had ambi mag releases also. The finish does look pretty good in the pic, but I was pleasantly surprised and pleased with the finish on mine from the first batch anyways.

Just got my confirmation! Thanks John!
Whoa...what are these confirmations numbers everyone speaks of? When I placed my phone order I don't remember receiving a confirmation number...should I be calling in to find out? or at least confirm? I'd hate to get lost in the scramble...
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