UPDATE: Rossi Ranch Hand Mares Leg

I showed the old lady this last night and said i needed one to teach my nephew how to shoot because it is so small. She called bull####, apparantly that is what I said when I got the Ruger 10/22 sr. Then she asks how the hell you are supposed to shoulder that thing anyway? When the heck did she start paying so much attention that she would even catch that you probably cant shoulder it. Sheesh. There goes that avenue.
I showed the old lady this last night and said i needed one to teach my nephew how to shoot because it is so small. She called bulls**t, apparantly that is what I said when I got the Ruger 10/22 sr. Then she asks how the hell you are supposed to shoulder that thing anyway? When the heck did she start paying so much attention that she would even catch that you probably cant shoulder it. Sheesh. There goes that avenue.

Just tell her you bought a regular sized one, but when you washed it it shrank :)
Too funny Foxer.
driller212. If i actually tried to sell her that line with a straight face i might end up with something to take a pic of after i receive five in the eye.:p
Just got off the phone with my distributor and we have an ETA of late March, lets say arriving in Canada on the 24ish and to me by the 30th....No word on how many they will ship but have ordered lots and hoping for the same. Rossi/Taurus fill rate has been quite poor last few shipments so cross your fingers...
In cases like these I try to push it competely out of my mind, so that when they finally come in, it's a totally unexpected (and thouroughly awesome) surprise!
I figured we were probably looking end of march :) Oh well.

Gives us time to source some really killer holsters to go with 'em :)
Just got off the phone with my distributor and we have an ETA of late March, lets say arriving in Canada on the 24ish and to me by the 30th....No word on how many they will ship but have ordered lots and hoping for the same. Rossi/Taurus fill rate has been quite poor last few shipments so cross your fingers...

Far better than I had thought originally. Any time I have to factor customs I figure 1/2 year per country's border :p
Far better than I had thought originally. Any time I have to factor customs I figure 1/2 year per country's border :p

maybe for black rifles.....

but for a lever action, there shouldnt be any problems other than supply and demand, but all that bureaucratic BS distributors and dealers have to go through does take time...

I guess my wallpaper of a ranch hand will have to do for now.... :(
Even as we speak, i'm rewatching firefly :)
I had the good fortune to work with the actress Jewel Staite who plays Kaylee in Firefly. What a great show Firefly was! *sings* Take my love, take my land, take me to where I cannot stand, I don't care, I'm still free, you can't take the sky from me.....

I had the good fortune to work with the actress Jewel Staite who plays Kaylee in Firefly. What a great show Firefly was! *sings* Take my love, take my land, take me to where I cannot stand, I don't care, I'm still free, you can't take the sky from me.....

She seems pretty cool :) I hate that the show got cancelled.

"DO YOU WANT TO RUN THIS SHIP?" "Yes." "Well.... you CAN'T!"

"I'll kill a man in a fair fight. Or if I think he's going to START a fair fight..."

"The hero of canton, the man they call Jaaaayne!" - "this must be what it feels like to go insane."
Foxer and BabySeal,
I am indeed working on a belt for driller212. As he said, and you guys hinted at, not only would a belt from me be more affordable but might be easier for you to get into. I'll be the first to say that I am NOT a professional and I do this because I enjoy it, but the guys I've made stuff for seem pleased. If you go to photobucket and look up spacesaver101 you can see some of the recent projects that I've made. I would be willing to work with anyone on here to make a belt, holster, or combo rig to your specifications.
I'll be the first to say that I am NOT a professional and I do this because I enjoy it, but the guys I've made stuff for seem pleased.

Meh. I'm a form follows function kind of guy anyway :)

I have never had a handgun so i don't really know much about holsters or gunbelts, so maybe you could toss a few ideas out once you've had a chance to think about it and share what your vision of a good holster for this rig might be. If you need dimensions of various parts like the reciever, i can happily measure my current rossi to get them, and we know the barrel is 12 inches.
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