VHS assault rifle

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From what I read about the trials for this rifle they were making a mix of the Famas and Tavor. Or thats how the trials ended up. Either way we have to help out the balkan economies of the former YU. I am hoping the AK prohibition was out so we could get the Serbian M21.
I Don't Get It

Huh ?? I just don't get it. First 3K Norinco's.... now this. So you put the mag behind the trigger instead of in front, add 2K to the price and people get instant wood. More power to your bank accounts I guess.
Weren't the Norinco's under $1K? That was a smokin' deal!

I agree though that $3k (just under) is a tad steep... there's several other rifles I'd grab for that price first.

I commend you guys at Tactical Imports for taking the initiative and contacting so many foreign and interesting manufacturers, I am committed to this and your FAMAE SG 543 if that ever goes ahead. But you will need to get the price closer to $2500.

$3k is Swiss Arms grounds, which are the benchmarks for manufacturing standards and quality. A plastic rifle needs to be less. There is no way it can cost as much, and once it does, it tells us that we consumers are only covering someone's very high profit margin.
Interesting - like anything else, price is what'll determine what I buy. I liked the norc T97 pricing, but don't like norcs, so that was out.... sadly everything else costs 2-3k and +++++++!

Edit - from online it sounds like government big order pricing is 1450 Euros, so I'm not sure just how cheap it'll be possible to go with these guns.

I was looking for somthing to do with all those old movie casettes...
but ya looks promising.. Im all for variation.. toooooo many AR brands with very little difference in product coming in this year.
Is it me or does rifle not have an uncanny resemblance the the rifle from Starship Troopers.

Wiki says unit cost is 1,000 euros or about $1,400 CDN.

But that's if you're a military contractor in Europe and buying a predetermined number of their select-fire units, doesn't include getting it to Canada, import fees and paperwork. Plus, the ones coming to Canada (semi-auto) aren't even made yet, meaning they will be specially made for the Canadian market, with semi-auto receivers, which means re-tooling from the select-fire machinery setup they are currently manufacturing. That unit price is irrelevant to us here in Canada. It's the age-old argument of "I can get it cheaper if I import it myself"-never works out that way. I commend you Tactical Imports for your efforts bringing cool stuff into Canada. Plus, if you think the price is too high, don't buy it. If all us think the price is too high, they'll have to drop the price or they won't sell, and if Tactical Imports can't sell them at a price the buyers want and still make a buck (they are a business after all), then they probably won't bring them in. I say bring em on. I'll start saving now.
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Weren't the Norinco's under $1K? That was a smokin' deal!

I agree though that $3k (just under) is a tad steep... there's several other rifles I'd grab for that price first.


The type 88 Norinco's were supposed to come in around 3K. I made the mistake of comparing them to Hyundai's so I won't dare compare this to a Yugo. I learned my lesson.
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