M305 & SKS deal....


Expired Business
Have we got a deal for you

Take a moment to review the combo deal on the M-305 and the $75. SKS

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:p Dear John.... I Hate YOU! :p I am down sizing for a reason...and you go and make this offer??? Have you no pity on our safe capacity and wallet size? Dont you know we are at the start of a second recession?? :wave:

Gotta agree with you, FishDoc!
I ordered an SKS 10 days ago.... how soon should I be expecting the delivery to be?

I live 80 KM away from Marstar's location...
Can anybody drop me a hint?

I ordered an SKS 10 days ago.... how soon should I be expecting the delivery to be?

I live 80 KM away from Marstar's location...
Can anybody drop me a hint?

Your best bet would be a friendly phone call, they may not ship every day. CP works in wierd ways sometimes too. Ive sent stuff from AB to ON and had it arrive sooner than stuff shipped to BC.

Guess I'm getting me a new SKS. I have a Russian one already, does anyone know if the Chinese one differs any?

Check the stickies in the Red Rifles forum, namely the Chinese SKS 56 sticky by Curtton. Basic differences is the Chinese went back to the spike bayonet and used different wood. They are made on Soviet Tula tooling with guidance from Soviet engineers. They dont have the same issues associated with the later commercial chinese models.
err, I honestly can't afford a $75 sks even though I bought a m305b from marstar a couple months ago. dang
Hello Johnone,
I also purchased a M305b a couple of months ago and would like to know, if I am still able to participate in this deal? that would be sooooooo sweet if I could. I still have to send in one of my mags for the M305 that did not fit. Oh buy the way had the M305 out this weekend "what a blast" went through 100 rounds without any hickup, well one but I was told it does happen every now and then. Anyways you can reply to me when you have a second regarding the SKS.
There you go, Marstar proving, time and again, that no matter how busy or overworked John and his staff may be, you always get top-notch service...

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