Offensive video

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To put this matter in perspective:

This video first surfaced in March of 2011. It was filmed on a camera that looked (after review of security cameras) like a simple SLR in late 2010.

A licensed "member" brought in guests and was supposedly showing firearms in the classroom attached to our “B” range.

Since this surfaced, the member has been expelled and all of the staff and management involved that day were harshly dealt with.

We spent about $20,000 in 2011 in legal costs to get it pulled and to get the originator to "promise" to not every show it again.

Unfortunately he simply edited the video and re-released it 9 months later.

We are once again pursuing our legal options and are going to get not only the video dealt with but the originators as well.

We work very hard every day to present a professional clean and family oriented environment to the hundreds of new shooters we get though here every week. This whole mess makes me sick to my stomach.

Guys, lighten up on Target and TSE_JR. They're among our strongest supporters.

Yeah, somebody stepped on their #### here, but don't turn on folks who have done more to promote and support us, our sport, and lifestyle than most.

Yeah, it sucks, but s**t can happen to good people. And TSE and Target are by far "good people."
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I disagree on the comments here. Why does this video bother most of you? Sure the music is crap, it venerates a thug lifestyle...but other than perhaps a broad poorly taken artistic license nothing looks overtly illegal here.

As such condemn it for being bad music maybe but otherwise give it a pass.
I think the saddest part about this whole thing is that whatever the hell that was actually passes for music now a days.. Shame shame.
Guys, lighten up an Target and TSE_JR. They're among our strongest supporters.

Yeah, somebody' stepped on their #### here, but don't turn on folks who have done more to promote and support us, our sport, and lifestyle than most.

Yeah, it sucks, but s**t can happen to good people. And TSE and Target are by far "good people."

Thank you!

I wanna go a puke my guts out right now!

Since this first surfaced we also chnged our waiver, signage and more importantly, staff training to include watching for #### like this.

I disagree on the comments here. Why does this video bother most of you? Sure the music is crap, it venerates a thug lifestyle...but other than perhaps a broad poorly taken artistic license nothing looks overtly illegal here.

As such condemn it for being bad music maybe but otherwise give it a pass.

There is nothing illegal. However, if someone wants to go film a music video about illegal gun running, they can go somewhere else. :mad:
I find it interesting that this video was made at target sports, since I was told by the staff there that I should not bring my SL8 into the store unless it is encased even though it's not restricted. They did not want the neigbours to see it. I found that request more offensive than this video.
There is nothing illegal. However, if someone wants to go film a music video about illegal gun running, they can go somewhere else. :mad:

The only issue I see over this entire mess, is that you as the proprietor reserve the right to either allow or refuse service to people who wish to use your facilities for this.

I dont see it being an issue beyond that. Some are clamoring that the antis will freak out over it or how illegal it is. This I believe is paranoid over reaction.

Did the antis freak out of the indie film "The real Toronto"? A video that was full of tons of illegal guns? This other video by comparison smacks of rich kids trying be "hard" with a nice little music video....:p

Do you guys think real gangsters need to go rent guns to make a video? :p
"We bust guns from toronto to Uk...."
A) Not in the Uk you don't. LOL
B) Gangsters dont use trigger locks, or cases. Fail.
This s**t does bring our sport down, but also black people. What would you think of ther race if you only watched music videos.....not that funny but lol.

And that white kid needs to shave that s**tty mustache.
I disagree on the comments here. Why does this video bother most of you? Sure the music is crap, it venerates a thug lifestyle...but other than perhaps a broad poorly taken artistic license nothing looks overtly illegal here.

As such condemn it for being bad music maybe but otherwise give it a pass.

This is the kind of video that makes it easy for idiot politicians to argue that gun ranges should be banned. It's like giving the executioner the bullets with which to kill you. That's why. David Miller would have loved this!
Was the $ 20,000 in legal fees to get Youtube to pull the video or was that the get these guys to pull the video. I would have thought that a legal letter to Youtube alleging copyright issues will get Youtube to pull it pretty quick.
This is the kind of video that makes it easy for idiot politicians to argue that gun ranges should be banned. It's like giving the executioner the bullets with which to kill you. That's why. David Miller would have loved this!

I believe because of a certain demographic in the video, the antis, commies and leftists would look the other way. They do the same thing on other stuff from that demographic.

People are still free to make music videos. Even if their talent is crap.
When the lefties and libbies go after these things, they call it "going after gang culture". This video is absolutely a "gang culture" video that promotes that lifestyle. If the range did not exist, this video could not have been made. Political correctness is not a factor here.

Well, I hope there aren't more consequences from this in the future. Sounds like most of the damage was done already before we knew of this whole thing. I'm a member. I've got nowhere else to go. I'll keep on keeping on.

Props to TSE for at least getting on this quickly and not letting this swirl around for days or weeks without comment.
You can contact youtube and tell them that the footage was illegally created without your permission or some crap. They will take it down in a heartbeat.

Or claim copyright, they won't even check -.-
I believe because of a certain demographic in the video, the antis, commies and leftists would look the other way. They do the same thing on other stuff from that demographic.

People are still free to make music videos. Even if their talent is crap.

It isn't just the bad music that gets me, I have an issue with them promoting smuggling firearms from one country into another illegally.

I should surely hope that the member was expelled (which apparently they were), and every single staff member involved was simply fired.

Its hard enough justifying firearm ownership already, but to see that this was filmed in a setting that should be secure is sad. I like to think that then I go to the range, I wont have to worry about people filming about criminal activity.

Target Sports, good luck with the fight. Even though I'm not going to crucify you, it DID happen at your business. It's like saying it would be no big deal if I accidently shot my gun in my apartment while cleaning. No matter how sorry you are, it HAPPENED.

Again, good luck, and I hope you bring the brunt of the legal system into play this time and don't stop short when they 'promise' to behave.... The sad reality is, I feel compelled to 'avoid' your place of business until this whole mess has blown over and you've regained some trust as an honest and upright business. Only time and what you do about this situation will fix that mate.
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