NEW CZ 858 Canadian Model

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Socialist here. I deeply apologize for the ignorance of the majority of my political leaning on the gun issue. Sadface.

thanks! we appreciate it.

Now apologize for the genocides committed in the name of your ideology and your school of economic thought which boils down to "I'm jelly of what you have. I will steal it"
Socialist here. I deeply apologize for the ignorance of the majority of my political leaning on the gun issue. Sadface.

You recognize yourself as a socialist? I bet you didn't pay attention is history class.


Could we get a package deal for the 958 Tactical and a CMR-AK762 and some rings? Please :)
Any chance of a short bareled version? At one point there was a VZ58S available with shorter barels but nobody seems to sell them anymore :(
Now apologize for the genocides committed in the name of your ideology and your school of economic thought which boils down to "I'm jelly of what you have. I will steal it"[/QUOTE]

Where did that come from? Seems a little random and accusational. And somewhat ironic considering the guy in your name was the ultimate socialist
I think you have no idea what planet you are on, how does a voluntary free market equate to left? Must've come out of the re-education camp known as social sciences.

voluntary free market????? Where does that exist? Oh you must be talking about gas prices in Canada, ya free market.... Lmfao
+1 to grumpy
voluntary free market????? Where does that exist? Oh you must be talking about gas prices in Canada, ya free market.... Lmfao

If you don't like the high prices that a particular company is marketing things at, then you can start your own business and offer that product for a lesser price. It's called competition, and we don't have it with govt subsidies and selective licensing. The gas prices or whatever other govt monopolized service has high prices because of the lack of competition. No free market (no capitalism) = high prices and low quality. But you won't hear that in the school books, they just go on and on about how bad it is for people to make money.

It did exist in America for a short period, until the leftist had their way with her, and left her bleeding and broken in a back alleyway.
Aint that the truth.
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