TNW Firearms Suomi M-31 Coming Soon!

these look kinda cool but an open bolt firing, 5 shot, cheap commie sub-gun clone? hardly worth 700 bux if ya ask me. id go for a vz58 before this piece. if the type 81 becomes available and non restricted, ill be all over that like flies on s#*t!
these look kinda cool but an open bolt firing, 5 shot, cheap commie sub-gun clone? hardly worth 700 bux if ya ask me.

I find the $700 price point to be interesting. It seems that most of everything that ends-up coming into Canada lately as a "surplus" firearm, tends to be in this price range. Notable exceptions are, of course, SKS's and some others.

Yes, I get the reasons why; import fees, conversion costs, markups, etc, etc., etc. But I guess, just would be nice to see something like this available to us in Canada for $399. Just saying.... :rolleyes:
I find the $700 price point to be interesting. It seems that most of everything that ends-up coming into Canada lately as a "surplus" firearm, tends to be in this price range. Notable exceptions are, of course, SKS's and some others.

Yes, I get the reasons why; import fees, conversion costs, markups, etc, etc., etc. But I guess, just would be nice to see something like this available to us in Canada for $399. Just saying.... :rolleyes:

The price we pay to live in a gun hating country.
US DOS is not issuing any export permits for any belt fed semis.

Which dealers will be selling these? Any dealer who orders them from North Sylva? Get your local dealer to contact NS, and ask?
M31's finally arrived at our loading dock this afternoon.

First impression is this is a very solid, well built piece. It's one of the heaviest carbines I've held. It's got a weight of about 10.5 lbs. It is fairly well balanced and the heft of the gun isn't really noticed when shouldering.

A good amount of the parts are original, so if it looks like your stock butt plate has been through a world war, it probably has!

Receivers look excellent however.

These should be on their way to dealers hopefully by the end of the week. We won't be seeing anymore until probably early in the new year, so if you're thinking of getting one you should consider doing it ASAP.

Here are the initial photos.






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