PAL Wait Time

I just checked with the link you provided and it says:

Current Status: You have been or will soon be contacted about your application. If you require more information immediately please contact the Canadian Firearms Program Toll Free number. (1-800 731-4000)

this online service seems to not be very useful.
I think a huge part of the delay takes place in the mail room. It took almost two months from when I mailed my application for the cfc to acknowledge receipt of it.
I posted it in the other thread, but here is my recent RPAL application timeline for reference:

Nov 11 Mailed application
Nov 18 Received at Miramichi
Nov 29 Showed online in progress
Dec 6 CC charged
Dec 11 had My interview
Dec 11 reference 1 interview
Dec 12 reference 2 interview
Dec 16 Your application has been processed and your licence has been issued!! (28 days exactly)
Another quick tip.... if you use the newer application status system on the CFP website, it will display your PAL number immediately after it is issued.

I had my RPAL # on day 28.
28 days so far for me and 39 days if you count weekends. They say "Note: An accurately completed firearms licence application normally takes about 45 days to process."
I'm in BC. I sent my forms in on June 21, 2013. Its now approaching 7 months. I just called the BC CFO office for the 4th or 5th time. What was surprising was the lady said she was in Miramichi, NB taking calls for the BC Office. And she couldn't tell me the status of my application since she's not part of the BC CFO office. Although she said she would put a note on my file. I told her that I also have RCMP clearance and just had it renewed in the last month and passed. She was interested and said she would note that on my file as well. I was polite, but still expressed clear concern for the delay. I feel good about this one so hopefully it gets dealt with.
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