PAL Wait Time

Rpal was recieved on 7/20/12 and on Aug 15 the message showed as issued. Waiting for it in the mail now. I just called every few days and asked the same questions very nicely. I feel really bad for all these people who have months of wait time on their PAL and RPAL. It's going to be quicker to get my Rpal than it was for my PAL.
I got both my PAL and RPAL at the same time. Had to wait a year and a half for mine to come in after the test and paperwork. Apparently the person that was in charge of my file/application was a bit too tight in the buns to make the whole process easy.
Still waiting....

Hey guys...

I am new here. I came to check what other peoples wait times were....

I sent in my completed application on June 1st.. it was received June 6th,, and I a still waiting. I tried calling 2 weeks ago and the just said the same thing it says on the web site. The said it was processed and waiting for final approval.

I guess I will try calling again today.

Does anyone know what the "initial processing stage" consists of? L
I'm wondering if anyone can give me some advice as to what is now a reasonable amount of time to expect the full processing of a PAL. I mailed in all my paperwork on May 29th 2012, and saw online that my application became active on June 7th 2012. In late June my application was marked as "completed initial processing and now in progress". Just a note ALL my paperwork was 100% correct all T's crossed and I's dotted. The website says you can expect about a 45 day processing time, am I right to be thinking things are taking a little long, or is 60 plus day just the norm these days. Thanks in advance:
My daughter, son in-law and I took the courses together to get our RPAL's. All applications sent in the same day registered mail. Mine came the soonest at 5 weeks from receipt my daughters took the longest at 7 weeks because they had trouble contacting one of her references. One word of advice with the references, if they have a generic pre recorded message on their answering machines that does not verify the number being called or who the recipient of the call is they will not leave a message or retry. Your file will then end up in a dormant pile until they are contacted. That is why some of these can drag out for 6 months or more.
It really appears that since the demise of the registry, the registration folks are intentionally slowed down, almost to a crawl. I have two rifles here that the owners have been waiting four months for their PALs.
Handguns are much worse. I expect this may unfortunately become a larger deterrent than the damn registry

I'm into 7 weeks now waiting on my RPAL. All interviews were completed 4 weeks ago and it's apparently been sitting in a pile at the BC CFO's office since. Been calling the CFC once a week but still no idea when they'll get to it.
When you say you call the CFC office in B.C , are you calling Surrey (604 586 2563) or you calling Miramichi N.B.(1 800 731 4000) and asking to be redirected to B.C. The reason I'm asking is I'm trying really hard not to pi$$ off the powers that be because of my unusual situation with my PAL -RPOL.
Just confuses the heck out of me the complete randomness of wait times. mdmaroon waits 28 days and some wait 90+. Is there one person there doing their job and the rest are just on FB or Twitter?

Nah, they're browsing GunNutz to see who's been naughty and who's been nice.

I've had a PAL for 2 years now, decided to upgrade to RPAL, mailed it out July 30th. No idea . . . so far website only tells me my PAL from 2 years ago has been issued and nothing else.
When you call the CFO office ask for the extension number to the B.C. office, they will give it to you. That way you call call the 1-800-731-4000 and enter it in. I have it around here somewhere but my filing isn't as sharp as my shooting.
mines sitting in the Alberta CFO since mid July real quick till it got to them funny thing is my gf was sent in the same envelope and she had hers 3 weeks ago
Mine just arrived after 53days.
The wife's arrived 2weeks earlier.
Looks like mine was stuck in a pile till I called to find out what was up.
Sept. 19th my PAL has now been in the system for 100 days still with the B.C. CFOs office. There are no words to explain how pi$$ed off I am.
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