PAL Wait Time

Here is how mine and my wife's went sent together.

Sept 16 CFSC Course Passed
Sept 18 Mailed Application
Sept 21 Received @ Miramichi (signed checked online)
Oct 12 Showed up online saying Received
Oct 15 Called to ask if everything was filled out properly (yes)
Oct 19 Your application has been processed and your licence has been issued. If you have not received your licence within 2 weeks please contact the Canada Firearms Centre

Received Friday October 26

I live in Manitoba!

This was for non-restricted PAL
My references were called 30 days ago and then called my spouse about 2 weeks ago. Still haven't received anything in the mail.

Is it worth calling them back?
Is reference check the final part of the process?
Mine was submitted sept 24th -- pal/rpal
received Sept 28th
Showed up online around the 17th of october
Called today Oct 23rd to make sure I didnt screw up the forms

They said it was all correct and if I had 5 minutes they would do the interview.. needless to say, I had the time. After the interview I asked if I could have my references call in, since it would be easier. They gave me the extention to get my refs to call. Everyone was totally nice - for some reason I was expecting something else. Both references called in.. so thats all done.

I figured that was it, it sounded like after your references are done a few days later they issue the license, but now I'm reading that people in BC have had to wait 100+ days - what happens after your references are called -- what other processing happens?

issued today -- Nov 1st :)
mine took about 2 weeks to show up online once they receievd it....then a week later i got it in the them and ask them " just wondering if you guys have all the stuff i need for my application" makes it go a lot faster
Mine still doesnt show... ill give it a few more days before I call in.
Sent mine at the end of October. Tracked and saw that it was signed for on Friday. Will check at the end of the week to see if it's online and will give them a call next week to make sure they have everything.
Wow!!! there sure is a lot of different timings.

I had missed the phone call and rec'd the "we missed you letter" I called right away and had my interview. All my references had been called and I was the last one.
Get this I did the interview 3 days prior to the 28 day wait period and was told that as soon as the period was complete the card would be in the mail. Sure enough it was!!!!
Overall rec'd and entered after 4 days in the mail, 28 day period, 7 days for the card and I thought this was too long.

I had applied for my PAL/RPAL
Sent PAL/RPAL form on September 26th
Received at RCMP on October 1st
Online Status on October 15th
All interviews held October 24
Issued November 1st
Received today November 7th

Total processing = 38 Days (Ontario Resident)
Hope I'm as lucky as some of you BC guys with the 28 day wait. Sent mine in Nov 3rd and nothing on the website yet. Looks like takes at least 2 weeks for the status to be updated on the website.
My application was received on Sept 24th. I called around the end of Oct and did my interview. I had my reference do the same. Went to the provincial CFO alomost right away. I called a couple of times and got a variety of responses. I mentioned that the website says 45 days but was told that's just for the federal process. Sounds all bets are off once it gets to the provincial office. Last time they said that an officer has my file and will do a background check but there are people in front of me so no telling how long that will be. I will keep calling cause it sounds like that is the only way to move things along. Should i ask to speak to the officer or will that not do any good.
My non-restricted arrived in my mailbox exactly 45 days afer I mailed it in. (Im in Ontario).

I didn't call or check the website ir anything (coz I really didn't care how long it took). It just showed up.:)
We live in B.C. & both my wife and i applied for an RPAL.

Her story,
Sept 17th passed the course
Sept 19th mailed forms
Oct 15th showed up online (with a recived date of Sept 24th)
Oct 30th they called to do her interview at noon, refrences called in same day at 3pm & 4pm
Oct 30th at 6pm looked online status had changed to approved in the mail

My story,
Sept 17th passed course
Sept 18th mailed forms
Oct 15th showed up online (with a recived date of Sept 24th)
Oct 31st they called for my interview 9am, one refrence i work with so i passed him the phone other called in 4pm
Nov 2nd called in to check in (as my wifes was all done same day) they claim the refrence i work with was not done
Nov 3rd work refrence called in and did his interview again at 7am
Nov 3rd at 11am checked online said approved in the mail

Still nothing in the mail yet... but next wednesday will be two weeks for hers;)

From date claimed to be recived to date approved both are less than the 45 calender days, im not complaining!:cool:
:ar15:Next battle the dredded LTATT...
If you fax in your LTATT application along with a copy of your gun club membership and fill it out exactly as stated on the BC Target Sports Association website: you shouldn't have any problems. It's almost the end of the year so you might want to show proof of renewal. Also seems to go quick if you purchase from a store and fax in for the LTATT the same day they send in for your STATT and transfer. Attach a cover letter asking for your LTATT to be emailed. Seems like then everything gets done at once and you just have to wait for your registration certificate.
If you fax in your LTATT application along with a copy of your gun club membership and fill it out exactly as stated on the BC Target Sports Association website: you shouldn't have any problems. It's almost the end of the year so you might want to show proof of renewal. Also seems to go quick if you purchase from a store and fax in for the LTATT the same day they send in for your STATT and transfer. Attach a cover letter asking for your LTATT to be emailed. Seems like then everything gets done at once and you just have to wait for your registration certificate.

I am going to hold off till january to apply for a LTATT because all the local range meberships go January 1st to December 31st. Im not ging to pay full price for a 2 month membership.
I want to know where exactly it says a range membership is required to get a LTATT!! Have they not heard of drop in/guest? There is something like 5 ranges within reasonable driving distance what if i did not want to pick one and just use them all as a guest and pay a drop in fee???

I will check out that link though, thanks.:D
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