PAL Wait Time

It has been 6 weeks since the phone interview. I called the 800# and not getting much help. I went to the CFO office today in Surrey. The officer was friendly and he approved my PAL in few minutes. The online status was updated and will get my PAL in 2 weeks.
If you decided not to wait any longer, I suggested you either call or visit your local CFO office.
It has been 6 weeks since the phone interview. I called the 800# and not getting much help. I went to the CFO office today in Surrey. The officer was friendly and he approved my PAL in few minutes. The online status was updated and will get my PAL in 2 weeks.
If you decided not to wait any longer, I suggested you either call or visit your local CFO office.

I called 1 800-731-4000 yesterday and they told me to call back in a week. would it be a good idea to just call the BC CFO?
My application took 93 days 7 weeks of that was sitting at the BC CFO. I live a few minutes away from the CFO office so I went down there on the 93rd day and after giving the man at the counter my drivers license I was approved 5 minutes later. He apologized and told me there was a backlog. There were no issues with my application, very straight forward, no exes, no criminal past, references checked out fine and right away... yet I still saw people from BC who's applications were sent in after mine get their RPALs before me.... I think the reality is they don't approve them in the order they get them and its just random to a degree. I've heard of other people who wait going in or calling in and getting approved right away also... so my advice, go in if you can, call in if you can't and keep calling

Now I'm watching the mail box
The wait is so hard. It has been exactly 2 weeks since my app showed up online. I think it's been 37 days in total so I'm on the shorter end of the wait time but it still hasn't been any easier. All I want to do is go buy my first firearm and head on up to the local range for a good time.
My total wait time was 106 days. My application was forwarded to 3 different people within the Ontario CFO's office and then went to the Ottawa Police Department for final approval, which was another phone interview. I called once every week to check in on it and had my references call in for their interviews.
I had mine in 6 weeks in Manitoba. Most people don't realize that there is a minimum wait of 28 days. So the processing can happen any time after that.
Just a heads up mine was a straight renewal
On a RPAL mine has been in since February haven't seen it yet
My girlfriend an x ont police has been waiting on her RPAL
Since January
I've owned a firearm for 37 years
And my father 60 years before that all legal all registed
Pro / restricted / long
And it takes 5 month to do a renewal
I think I'm going to take it up with the local MLA
100 plus days and counting.
Sent RPAL application in mid Feb. cashed my cheque on March 8, called around beginning of April and was told it was sent to the CFO in BC and I should have it any day!! What a joke!
Now I have to call the BC CFO and be nice :) hard to do.

I wish I would have checked the forum on how to move your apllication along first. Never suspected i would have any issues though.
This is my forth renewal and I am squeaky clean not even any traffic problems, had 2 criminal record checks for employment and volunteer stuff since my last RPAL.... makes a person wonder how in the world it can take that long.
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Where do you check online to check the status? I am still waiting for my paper work to come back to send in my app and picture.


Sent in my application on june 8th for my PAL. First time so i guess im in the 28 day wait right now but would love to check it out online.
My renewal app sent in Sept, got lost altogether, had to do a new application! 1 thing after another went wrong, I had all registrations certs revoked, by the time I finally got it approved it was mid june! That's 9 months. A couple weeks later I received all new reg certs for all the restricteds, all in sequential numbering :) I kept all my paperwork, copies of applications sent, etc, with me when I went to the range anyway... you know what they say. I still have yet to be asked to produce a licence or registration certificate after being an active shooter for over 25 years.
just giving an update.

Started the Restricted Firearms course March 30. Go my License today on July 16, i'm okay with this wait time, got a little impatient but glad it is here.
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