PAL Wait Time


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I'm wondering if anyone can give me some advice as to what is now a reasonable amount of time to expect the full processing of a PAL. I mailed in all my paperwork on May 29th 2012, and saw online that my application became active on June 7th 2012. In late June my application was marked as "completed initial processing and now in progress". Just a note ALL my paperwork was 100% correct all T's crossed and I's dotted. The website says you can expect about a 45 day processing time, am I right to be thinking things are taking a little long, or is 60 plus day just the norm these days. Thanks in advance:
Mine took about 60 days (restricted) A friend of mine just got his restricted and it took about the 45 days. Seemed evertime I phoned it moved along a bit. If you or your references have not been phoned I would be phoning them.
They got my application (RPAL) on May 14th. I'm still waiting. I've seen a few people, even in BC, still getting it at the 4-5 week mark. Your wait might go faster because you're just waiting on a PAL. Don't make any plans for it untill it's in your hands though, I was supposed to be camping and blowing through a few hundred (or thousand) rounds this week. :'(
yeah I was just on general firearms discussions and it seem that in B.C. at least applications can take a lot longer than the rest of the country lots waiting 90 days or more. I guess I can only hope it comes through before hunting season, (October) and I can get some practice time in, otherwise I guess I'm the camp COOK.
I got my PAL in May for restricted and non-restricted. I mailed a complete application and it took 41 days to be approved. I called once a week as soon as it appeared online to check on the status.
I sent my paperwork in late June, took about 2w to show up on the website. My RPAL arrived last week, about a week after the website said that it was approved. The site states that it may be up to 2 weeks but it sounds like yours may have gotten lost somewhere. I live in Ontario. I already had my PAL, but you pretty much have to go through the complete process all over, and they called my references this time.
Mine was received by them on May 28th, still no license. BC is really backed up but phone them, I did not get any real answers until I talked to the Surrey office. Had a friend's grandson get his 2 weeks ago and he applied after me.
Just phoned in on mine again. I got transferred to the Surrey branch and asked to speak to the officer looking after mine. She put me on hold and looked into it, 5 minutes later I was approved. That is 80 days since they received it. Can't hurt to talk to someone and see what they can do.
Update, I called today to find out what the problem was if any and was put through to the CFOs office in Surrey or oh I thought , it turned out to be Alberta, anyhow I was informed by them that it could be at least another 4 weeks because they needed to review my application, the reason being that along with my PAL I would need a RPOL to cover a small 22cal handgun I bought in the 80s, and that they needed to review as to weather it would fall under the grandfather clause, not only is it a restricted gun it is also a prohibited as well, so it sounds like they want me to give it up, or so it seems. ANY ADVICE would be helpful. thanks RGH
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rgh, with the confusion with your 22cal hand gun. Did anyone you spoke to mention if your non restricted Pal would be aproved? or are they holding both ?
Regs, I did not ask that same question, but she did imply that my application for my PAL and the adding a RPOL were one and the same and that I would have to wait for my review, at the beginning of this journey, before I sent in my app. I did speak with a CFA in Miramichi and was told that it, (the 22cal) would not be a issue, but it seems that CFOs office in B.C. has a different opinion. It also seems like there is a bit of a pi$$ing contest going on between Ottawa and B.Cs. CFO department, so for now I guess I'll play nice and try not to rock the boat, catch more bees with honey approach.
Wow, mine was quick (RPAL):

Application Number: XX-#########X-XX

Application Received on: 2012/07/20

Current Status: Your application has been processed and your licence has been issued. If you have not received your licence within 2 weeks please contact the Canada Firearms Centre Toll Free number. (1-800 731-4000)

References and myself interviewed today. Status changed to license issued. Just waiting for the card in the mail now. 28 days from the day they received it.
Just confuses the heck out of me the complete randomness of wait times. mdmaroon waits 28 days and some wait 90+. Is there one person there doing their job and the rest are just on FB or Twitter?
24 days for my RPAL. It was issued 4 days after my PAL was issued. My PAL was issued on the 28th day. I applied for the RPAL 7 days after sending in my PAL application. Zero interviews!
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