PAL Wait Time

What I was told is that with certain applications are approved asap with no record and a good picture, and good references rcmp can actually approve a application but when having a past record
Rcmp has to pull hard background check then call references before it goes to cfo then it’s matter of waiting for the cfo it’s a pain in the ass
My Update:

New PAL/RPAL Ontario

Application Received - July 8
C/C Charged - Sept 21
Application approved and license issued - Sept 30
Card in hand - ?
My Update:

New PAL/RPAL Ontario

Application Received - July 8
C/C Charged - Sept 21
Application approved and license issued - Sept 30
Card in hand - ?

I am late than you 3 days received and still in completed the initial review status. I hope next week my application was approved.
My Update:

New PAL/RPAL Ontario

Application Received - July 8
C/C Charged - Sept 21
Application approved and license issued - Sept 30
Card in hand - ?

this is mine

Pass Course/Exam:May 29, 2022
Stamped paper work: July 4, 2022
Mailed: July 5, 2022
Delivered: July 11, 2022
CC Charged: Sep 21, 2022
Initial review completed: Sep 21, 2022
My Timeline (BC applicant),

Mailed: July 11, 2022
Delivered: July 15, 2022
CC Charged: Sep 24, 2022
Initial review completed: Sep 24, 2022
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