The Sweetest Bullpup in Canada BUT.......

Dlask Arms Corp

Sponsoring Business
Business Member
Delta, BC

We are the Canadian Distributor of the MSAR STG-E4. This is the sweetest bullpup we have ever shot shaming the Tavor and RFB. It's light, accurate, nimble and recoils like a 22. Unfortunately its also prohibited thanks to our Canadian Laws which specifically BAN by NAME a BRAND (not type) of rifle even though competitors have EXACTLY the SAME type of firearm. This is embarassing being a Canadian citizen in our opinion. Even the Senate Committe on the Scrutiny of Regulations thinks so concerning the words "VARIANT" and "COMMONLY AVAILABLE". If you want these regulations changed, talk to your MP. We have.....and will be meeting with ours shortly. In the meantime....this beauty is limited to International Sales, LE and Prohibited license holders only.

Don't want to move, scratch the first one. Don't want to be shot or spit at, scratch the second. Might as well get the silly question out of the way; so how does one get the Prohibited License?
....this beauty is limited to International Sales, LE and Prohibited license holders only.
I Can see how thay conversation would go. "So mr. MP, think you could nuke your political career for me by legalizimg this scary black rifle? Not like rmthe libtards would bring it up every chance they could." He is CPC, but still, realistic goals.
I think any dealer that is actively involved in trying to improve our current canadian gun regs. deserves to be at the top of the "who to buy from first list".

It's ridiculous that Tavors and RFB's are non restricted while this and your own M14 bullpup stock are prohibited, this is definitely a situation that needs to be corrected.

Why not start on on-line petition, at the very least it will be great PR for your business, people could even make donations to fund some legal action, maybe even combined with a sale - every $5/$10 from the sale of this item goes to the fight against.... - you get the idea. I think it hard for individuals to mount their own campaign, it needs to be spearheaded by experts such as yourselves, you've got my support, all the best.
Hah, talk to my MP...Glenn Thibeault (NDP).

I'm sure he won't hang up if I mention anything about firearms... :(
Well my MP is Vic Toews so I doubt he personally answers calls. But I'll definitely try tomorrow. This whole classification by name is ridiculous. So is having a class of weapon called "prohibited" that almost no can own. Doesn't prohibited by definition mean that there can't be any...
Be careful comparing this to other bullpup designs that are non restricted. Instead of following common sense and allowing it they may just rethink the others and change them to restricted or prohib.

I love bullpups and own an RFB and a DTA SRS, and I'm on the lists for a KSG and norc T97 when they get here. This looks like another that will be on my list of must have if they become non restricted.
This whole classification by name is ridiculous. So is having a class of weapon called "prohibited" that almost no can own. Doesn't prohibited by definition mean that there can't be any...

Just throw your intelligence out the window and pretend criminals obey laws. It takes alot of stupidity to feel an oxymoron is reality, and words on paper make you safe. Unfortunately there is an entire movement of people who think prohibiting or "banning" inanimate objects takes them out of the hands of those who aquired them ilegally and will never register them, thus leaving the only means for police to sieze them by search and siezure on the rare event that actually happens AND works out... But they sleep peacefully ignoring this and acting like they'll never get broken into, robbed, raped, jumped, carjacked, hit by stray fire etc. I wish I was that stupid... how easy a life that would be. Just pretend, act like nothings wrong and we're all safe and sound. Nah, it'll never work. I have a conscience and it isnt a psychopathic snap show with a hatred for everything it doesnt understand.
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