Guys, please don't turn this into an NEA hate thread. No one has yet but I'm just giving a heads up :)
Any chance of arranging a pre-order where we can get specific serial #'s, I don't mean customizing, I mean if you're keeping 0001, then we can choose a number above that in sequence with first come first serve?
They can not build around the restrictions. Unless you build a gun that is TOTALLY different than AR15...that means it is not AR15 anymore.

You mean like an AR180B but with an aluminum receiver ? :D
Everyone & his brother is producing AR 15's in Canada .
The AR180B has Non-restricted FRT & with an aluminum receiver would outclass a 15 & sell like hotcakes in Canada

I got dibb's on serial number 666!!!! I want the most EVIL SFRC AR 15 EVER for my first AR!!!!! Muuuuuuuuuhahaahah.! Seriously, if you can put me down, I will have the cash that day for said number! Maybe I can send pics to Wendy!!!!

Good stuff, good to see your farm machinery bussiness take off :)
And with the crap down south, good timing!

I hope you offer the 12.5" and 14.5" mids that no one else sells. Even the odd 20" would be different.
Everyine and his mom sells the boring 10.5" and 16"
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