new belt fed coming so now rpd????

The RCMP can't really brand it prohibited without a valid reason can they? I mean there has got to be some accountability, if it is not prohibitit by name and is not easily converted to automatic, and it entered service before 1945. What other reason could they have to prohibit it. Even if the Full auto version of the DSA has an FRT this means nothing for the semi auto veriant as it is a completely different platform with a coustom made in USA receiver not able to accept full auto parts not unlike the TNW 1919 & MG34. or even the VZ 858. I think it will NON Restricted and I want to be the first guy to burn a berrel off of an RPD

Knowing the RCMP, they'll delay it until they can think of something. If they don't want it in, they can make sure it'll never get in.
I am fairly sure that the sample that went to the RCMP will be fairly. messed up and close to wrecked after they are done spending the last year trying to make it into a full auto.

I could be wrong, and if it is still functional I am down for the raffle. Whatever works best for the 30 that put the money in.
^I'm sure rally guy will fix the spelling of your name on the list, he also has to add the other guys to it.

The ball is rolling & that's what's important!

I'll take RPD for $100, Alex. (put me on the list please). PM me with the details.

its not a rpd for 100 $, its 100 $ to help buy a rpd for NS to TRY to get it reviewd and designated non restricted buy the rcmp. the list was mine to get the ball rolling to make it worthwhile for NS to try to import rpd's. the idea was to gather 3000 $ for NS to pay for the rcmp sample and then the list could be use by NS eather by hierarchical order by raffle ( Id go hierarchical :p). the original 200 $, now 100 $ ( for everyone) would (could) serve as a deposit for the rpd's comming.

I strongly stress to does not familiar with the rcmp process, it can be long, it could take 2 weeks or 2 years (scar).
This thread is in North Sylva's business forum.
I'm going to suggest that it is up to North Sylva to decide how they want to procede - if they do.
A list of interested parties is being created, funds are being pledged, but there is no indication that North Sylva is interested in having a group finance the purchase of a sample piece to be submitted to the RCMP for inspection. Seems to be a bit premature.
North Sylva is an established, experienced business. They know that there is interest in this product. They will decide if they wish to pursue this product, or if they are interested in this particular scheme.
This thread is in North Sylva's business forum.
I'm going to suggest that it is up to North Sylva to decide how they want to procede - if they do.
A list of interested parties is being created, funds are being pledged, but there is no indication that North Sylva is interested in having a group finance the purchase of a sample piece to be submitted to the RCMP for inspection. Seems to be a bit premature.
North Sylva is an established, experienced business. They know that there is interest in this product. They will decide if they wish to pursue this product, or if they are interested in this particular scheme.

I agree 100% with this, as I have ben telling other people in pm and on this tread, Its all up to NS I have no saying in this I am a meer consumer and I am just trying to do what I can to help to try to get the rpd classified
its not a rpd for 100 $, its 100 $ to help buy a rpd for NS to TRY to get it reviewd and designated non restricted buy the rcmp. the list was mine to get the ball rolling to make it worthwhile for NS to try to import rpd's. the idea was to gather 3000 $ for NS to pay for the rcmp sample and then the list could be use by NS eather by hierarchical order by raffle ( Id go hierarchical :p). the original 200 $, now 100 $ ( for everyone) would (could) serve as a deposit for the rpd's comming.

I strongly stress to does not familiar with the rcmp process, it can be long, it could take 2 weeks or 2 years (scar).

I guess my attempt at humor failed :p. I'm fully aware what you're trying to do and I want to pitch in $100 to get the sample to Canada and get my name on the first to buy list if it's approved.
Please PM me with the details as to where to send the $.

I guess my attempt at humor failed :p. I'm fully aware what you're trying to do and I want to pitch in $100 to get the sample to Canada and get my name on the first to buy list if it's approved.
Please PM me with the details as to where to send the $.


there is no were to send money, we are waiting on North Sylva to see if they aprove of the idea, as of now they stayted they are going to look into this as they seen the interes this as generated!
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