Info regarding KRISS FRT#

So the Kriss is not being looked at for reclassification. Sweet!!! Too much fear mongering gossip around here. I hope we hear good news for the SAN. Now, I must go get me a case of .45acp !!
Yeah, these are strange times, strange times indeed ....

The KRISS FRT is not being looked at for reclassification, but the FRT was pulled - huh, that makes a lot of sense ....

The SAN is being looked at for reclassification - but the FRT has not been pulled on that, and the distributor is saying "business as usual" ...

Everyone is saying that the KRISS FRT will soon be restored - but is tight lipped re: the SAN - which still has a valid FRT.

In both situations, status / facts are sketchy.

Is there any wonder that the 'Rumour Mill' is in full swing?
If its not being looked at for reclassification the why did they pull the frt#? Makes a lot of sense? Never mind, the RCMP never makes any sense when it comes to gun classification
are there any current news regarding the Kriss super v? when are sales going to be up and coming. if you own one can you still shoot it even the numebr has been pulled?
The 18.6" barreled version is still available and it's sale was never suspended at " The Gun Dealer in McAdam N.B" Unless of course they just never changed their website but it has been listed there all summer
Thats just because it didnt need to go through the gov to be reg.
I tried to puchase a restricted version not too long ago from a supporting dealer here and the deal got canc'd because of the FRT.
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