Info regarding KRISS FRT#

In case you hadn't noticed, we ain't doing so hot with the Conservatives either.

Its this kind of attitude that blows my mind. Yes, they are all sub par choices... but what are you suggesting with this comment? HONESTLY... what are you suggesting. A "gun owners party" aint gonna get far... if the pot smokers party went no where a gun owners party aint gonna either.

The conservatives are the best option right now. Love them or hate them, if your a gun owner, they are your only choice. Perhaps more of us Conservative gun owners need to speak up about what we want from our party rather than sit back and let a bunch of "almost" liberals push the conservative farther and farthing in their direction. This country needs a hard line party to compete with the nut jobs. Wasnt there a "common sense" party at one point?
In case you hadn't noticed, we ain't doing so hot with the Conservatives either.

Its the lesser of three evils! The Conservatives know there is only center (them) then Left and even more left. And we don't need the even more left crew or the left crew, but there is not much right of center to choose from come elections :(

I didn't believe the CPC when they said they would reduce the GST from 7% to 5% but they did! Then the LGR.....I thought lets see it first! and then it happened. While the whole world it seems is going to more gun control, Canada says lets trash this POS registry because its doing no good! A very bold move indeed!

I am not saying that the CPC is the best, but simply the last choice of the worst out there of viable parties that can make a majority in Canada at this time.
Its this kind of attitude that blows my mind. Yes, they are all sub par choices... but what are you suggesting with this comment? HONESTLY... what are you suggesting. A "gun owners party" aint gonna get far... if the pot smokers party went no where a gun owners party aint gonna either.

The conservatives are the best option right now. Love them or hate them, if your a gun owner, they are your only choice. Perhaps more of us Conservative gun owners need to speak up about what we want from our party rather than sit back and let a bunch of "almost" liberals push the conservative farther and farthing in their direction. This country needs a hard line party to compete with the nut jobs. Wasnt there a "common sense" party at one point?

I agree! they are the only choice at this time. I will add that if every gun owner, and I mean everyone, even the ones that got a .22 hiding in the closet, got politically active, joined a few groups and wrote a few letters and had a sit down meeting with their MP, then things would change. There are enough of us that it would make a difference! And we are growing each day in numbers and in strength!
This is ridiculous.

The RCMP appears to be systematically working to eliminate all semi-auto actions. They are trying to reclass the Swiss Green and Black rifles. Now this.

Is there something we can do about this? Seriously? I didn't spend my hard earned money for my property to be confiscated and to watch it burn because unelected bureaucrats arbitrarily decide that it is dangerous after they declared it safe.

ANYTHING can be made fully automatic given time, materials and effort. They made Pederson devices to convert bolt actions.

Punitive actions against law abiding firearms owners are not the solution. We are not a threat to the fabric of society - the nutjobs and the criminals that bring chaos and destruction are the problem.

This is madness.

Begin writing the PMO, MP's, Vic Toews. The most likely impending prohib and seizure of the Classic Greens is only the start. Action now might save your guns (if you don't own a Swiss Arms). Go here, see what others are doing and help out.
Its funny in the US when they wana ban something people start buying them up the crazy but here in Canada we start selling them like crazy ?? i cant help but notice all the SAN , Kriss , 858 rifles on the EE in the last week .. A lot of roll over and give up mentality from Canadian gun owners ..

Well crap.

I had an 858 for sale on the EE but I had no idea it was being presented for reclassification until I discovered this thread. No wonder no one wants to buy it.

In response to your comment, why wouldn't we want to dump them? We would have no choice. If we don't turn them over, big men with body armour and lots of firepower will come smash down the doors and take them. No amount of money I can afford to spend will prevent this. Regardless, you will lose whatever money you've invested in the gun, and if you don't turn it in you still lose the value of the gun, plus the expensive legal defence and quite possibly your anal virginity. I highly doubt financial compensation will be paid to many. If they can screw us, they will.

Unlike the US, the RCMP have a registry roadmap that leads directly to my front door. Americans can buy up all the guns they want and bury them in the yard or wherever. When it comes to restricted/registered firearms we are totally screwed. With the NRs we might as well bury them because we won't be able to take them anywhere to shoot them so whats the point?

The only other thing we can do is have them deactivated so we can keep them for nice expensive paperweights.

Just wait till shiny pony rides into office. There will be a long line of Canadian gun owners rolling over and taking it. I'd bet money you'll be standing there right beside me. Internet commandos almost always change their tune when a dozen men in black ski masks show up with a warrant.
Well crap.

I had an 858 for sale on the EE but I had no idea it was being presented for reclassification until I discovered this thread. No wonder no one wants to buy it.

In response to your comment, why wouldn't we want to dump them? We would have no choice. If we don't turn them over, big men with body armour and lots of firepower will come smash down the doors and take them. No amount of money I can afford to spend will prevent this. Regardless, you will lose whatever money you've invested in the gun, and if you don't turn it in you still lose the value of the gun, plus the expensive legal defence and quite possibly your anal virginity. I highly doubt financial compensation will be paid to many. If they can screw us, they will.

Unlike the US, the RCMP have a registry roadmap that leads directly to my front door. Americans can buy up all the guns they want and bury them in the yard or wherever. When it comes to restricted/registered firearms we are totally screwed. With the NRs we might as well bury them because we won't be able to take them anywhere to shoot them so whats the point?

The only other thing we can do is have them deactivated so we can keep them for nice expensive paperweights.

Just wait till shiny pony rides into office. There will be a long line of Canadian gun owners rolling over and taking it. I'd bet money you'll be standing there right beside me. Internet commandos almost always change their tune when a dozen men in black ski masks show up with a warrant.

You should just give up right now man. Its over for you anyway. You should probably just sell every gun you have now before theyre all gone for good.
You should just give up right now man. Its over for you anyway. You should probably just sell every gun you have now before theyre all gone for good.

So what exactly are you going to do if they decide to reclassify one of your restricted firearms as prohibited and order you to turn it over?
I don't own any restricted rifles. But I do own a few on the list right now. If they reclassify my NR to prohib... Ill just loose it somewhere. If they do come after my handguns, ill good what many others will do, strip it down to the bare receiver or frame and had that over... Encased in concrete and dragged through the mud. Bending over and handing them your rifle like a polite Canadian is why we're here in the first place. Defiance is imperative in keeping governments in check. I'm not going to go to jail over this... But I ain't gonna hand over my hardware the easy way either.
I don't own any restricted rifles. But I do own a few on the list right now. If they reclassify my NR to prohib... Ill just loose it somewhere. If they do come after my handguns, ill good what many others will do, strip it down to the bare receiver or frame and had that over... Encased in concrete and dragged through the mud. Bending over and handing them your rifle like a polite Canadian is why we're here in the first place. Defiance is imperative in keeping governments in check. I'm not going to go to jail over this... But I ain't gonna hand over my hardware the easy way either.

You are still handing it over, thus you are are still bending over "like a polite Canadian" as you say. If I'm still stuck with a restricted thats been reclassified I'll likely have it deactivated and turned into a very expensive paperweight, but it will be MY very expensive paperweight. However, I am under no illusions because I recognize the fact that I've still bent over.

In the meantime I will write dozens of long useless letters to politicians, all the while knowing they generally don't give a crap and won't lift a finger to help. I've been down that road a few times already over firearms issues but at least I can say I've tried.
Please join the NFA and if you are already a member see if you can donate 5 or 10 bucks extra this week....PS..I am just a regular paying member...
Please join the NFA and if you are already a member see if you can donate 5 or 10 bucks extra this week....PS..I am just a regular paying member...

Why ? We don't even know where the money is going. They should be more transparent and publish their spendings. I would donate if they did.
link? or only physical ? (at the AGM)

What do you mean by societies and lmk the legislative reference also...

this is a standard practice for public, non profit organizations to publish financial reports and make them available for public scrutiny.
this is a standard practice for public, non profit organizations to publish financial reports and make them available for public scrutiny.

Ok, then where is the PDF on their website ? Would take a whole 7 minutes to put online.

If its there and i'm in fault here i'll join the NFA for sure.
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