More deals coming....

But that's just my opinion and I do realize times are different now and customer service is lost on this generation.

Something else that is lost on this generation is the common sense to keep quiet when they don't know what they are talking about. Regardless, my guess is that John is of the vintage that he would not be typified as being part of this generation and has indeed lost patience with those that are. Maybe you two have more in common than even you realize.
Something else that is lost on this generation is the common sense to keep quiet when they don't know what they are talking about. Regardless, my guess is that John is of the vintage that he would not be typified as being part of this generation and has indeed lost patience with those that are. Maybe you two have more in common than even you realize.

What do you mean I dont know what im talking about? I voiced my personal opinion on how he is treating people.
What do you mean I dont know what im talking about? I voiced my personal opinion on how he is treating people.

Slow down and read what I wrote. I'm commenting on the other poster's mis-informed statement about AK74 quantities and availability - nothing that you said. I in fact agree with you that customer service is lost on this generation (among other things). Just saying that you can't blame John for getting a little snippy when he is dealing with a never-ending deluge of keyboard heroes and self-proclaimed experts.
Slow down and read what I wrote. I'm commenting on the other poster's mis-informed statement about AK74 quantities and availability - nothing that you said. I in fact agree with you that customer service is lost on this generation (among other things). Just saying that you can't blame John for getting a little snippy when he is dealing with a never-ending deluge of keyboard heroes and self-proclaimed experts.

Ahh I got you. While I certainly agree that some of his statements are called for. But in this case and others I dont think the poster was trying to be a jerk or that it warranted the response given. Sure he made up a number of quantity but I dont believe it was intended to be any sort of slander.
Ahh I got you. While I certainly agree that some of his statements are called for. But in this case and others I dont think the poster was trying to be a jerk or that it warranted the response given. Sure he made up a number of quantity but I dont believe it was intended to be any sort of slander.

You gotta agree that posting a number pulled out of thin air and representing it as fact is at the very least ill-advised.
I see customer service is not in your nature John. I am sure a lot of people here respect you because of what you have done for firearms in Canada but that being said you have no right to talk to people like that. You are always so quick to jump down someones throat and then always take it a step further with some sarcastic statement that is completely uncalled for.

OK please explain what I did wrong, what has customer service got to do with a person making an inaccurate ill-informed statement ??

I look to you to offer an alternative method of addressing this, perhaps a politically correct, non offense statement ?

You say my statement was uncalled for, perhaps I should congratulate the person for offering the opinion ?
I read with interest the statements about customer service, Marstar introduced the "no BS" warranty back in the late 1980s, we have amended, altered and adapted our warranty policy many times over the years, always with the goal of offering a more satisfying and secure transaction for our valued customers.

Since 1984 we have grown considerably, we have become international, we have diversified, I guess some people are happy with our policies.... ?

On the other hand our customers realize that we do listen, if you have a legitimate suggestion we want to hear it.... However if someone write us a one sided, inaccurate statement don't expect a warm welcome....

Yes I am old and from an era when people spoke to each other with respect, wrote letters to one another with a courteous and respectful pen, most of all people did not hide behind the anonymity of so called social media, they were proud to sign their correspondence with a real name....
Just my opinion
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