Meeting place for Newbies and Mentors - BC

Great idea Tootall.

At our Rod and Gun club meeting, the local Archery club floated an idea similar to this for hunting and it was very well recieved. They are looking to start a mentor program involving any clubs that want to participate (bow or rifle). They would mentor kids through their CORE, becoming proficient with their weapon, and finish off with a guided Doe hunt on a participating farm. The idea not only helps bring in new hunters but would also help the local farmers deal with their Deer problems. The MOE will have to be convinced to assure Doe tags for the kids (like a guarnteed LEH) but we think they will be interested in the program and are hopeful they will support it. Our Regional BCWF President has already gotten great feed back from a few folks with large farms up here. They would appreciate the Doe cull and support hunting recruitment. The ball is rolling, we'll so how it goes.

Now back to firearms mentoring, count me in. The Quesnel Rod and Gun club has a great facility but unless convinced to waive the $10 drop in fee for non members, I'm not sure how appealing my offer is. Personally, I can offer semi-auto hand gun (.22 and .40), rifle (.22 and 30.06) and trap shooting. If you have interests in IPSC, Cowboy Action, or Black Powder, drop me PM and I will ask the folks I know that are involved in these and see what they say.
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CFSC Courses in Van/GVRD

No luck with the search function or the BCWF page; I'm looking for a RPAL course for a friend in E.Van in the near future.
He's not into hunting, just paper and the tools to make holes.

Any suggestions, links, details?

Here are some numbers to try of instructors in the Vancouver/Burnaby/Coquitlam areas. This is from the NFA website and is a few years old, so interpret accordingly:,...l/catid,43/navstart,0/mode,0/id,743/search,*/

B008R Robert Backus - 228-8676
B142R Jose Batista - 325-2303
B144R Mike Camele - 251-5170
B072R Marshall Lowen - 730-0260 M/AB
B017R Victor Camele - 251-5170
B070R Earl Parisian - 582-5378 AB
B158N Morgan Guerin - 267-9377 AB

B001R Kelly Abram - 291-6244
B062R Elder Jeske - 299-9858 M
B077R Andrew Miles - 436-9260 EX
B101R Allan Simmons - 291-1952
B048R Brock Halliwell - 736-9050

B109R Maurice Tanchak - 939-3665
B137R Roy Reinmuth - 936-1862
B136R Yiping Mi - 939-8927 M
B143R Michael Davey - 937-5930
B043R Charles Zuckerman - 944-8959
Hi Xrob,

We offer the CFSC/CRFSC a minimum of 4 times each month. The Croatian Cultural Center in Vancouver would be the most convenient place for your friend to attend, unfortunately we wont be back there until March.

For our complete schedule, check here:

If the dates on our website don’t work for your friend, we also offer private instruction.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us at 604-940-7785.
hi there i am a uk security guard with working visas for canada. i posses a uk firearms license and will want to gain my PAL to carry on me shooting in BC. can anyone recomend a CRFSC course and how long will it take and howmuch. i competent with all firearms except pistols and full auto.

is there any books i can buy to start learning the course for when i arrive i want to sit the course asap.


Hi, my girlfriend and I would be very interested in going out shooting in the lower mainland area. I am interested in high power rifles (.308/30-06?) for hunting and target shooting and we are both interested in shotguns and handguns (possibly for IPSC).

We both recently passed our CFSC/R exams and are awaiting PAL certification. I have also recently acquired my hunting licence.

If my time permits, I would be willing to meet new or would be firearms enthusiasts at a local range. There's a 200 yard range in chilliwack that would be good. I will have a couple tuned and tricked m14s rifles, custom enfield .303 bolt, and a couple other bolt and semi rifles to get aquainted with. It will have to wait for a few weeks, but i welcome any p.m.'s on the subject.

a fine idea Tootall, good on ya ;)
I too would consider the same idea for new hunters, though you would need to be 19 for simple liability reasons ;)
This is great! I would love to have the opportunity to try out some different rifles. Im in the Victoria area but don't mind a drive if someone is up for some company next time they go out shooting. I have no problem chipping in for cost of ammo, please pm me.
Hello,this is just a note to say that I usually go shooting at the Poco range which is near Vancouver, on Mon,Thurs, or Fridays. I'll be off next week and will probably go up on Friday Mar 7 or the following Monday. Any newby who would like to give it a whirl is welcome. I can show range ettiquet and what to do to not piss off the Range Officer. PM me and tell me if you're interested and what you want to shoot and I'll see if I've got something to fit the bill. I usually head up around noon and leave around 4pm. $20.00 drop in fee. Cheers
hey, Victoria bc newbie here, looking to get into firearms and i thing it would be really awesome to be able to try our some rifles and shotguns if possible
the problem is i don't really have an easy way of getting around, i could probably convince my dad to drive me somewhere though
or if someone would be willing to take me out i would be more than willing to share transportation and ammo costs
heylo everyone, name's Cameron (call me Cam, easier on both the fingers and tongue!), super n00b here. I've never fired a firearm or any sort aside from several different airsoft pistols, a pellet pistol & a pellet rifle. I'm also from Kamloops and would love to see if there's anyone willing to make arrangements to meet and give me some tutelage to operate a firearm. I have the PAL manual (both my brother & I intend to get our PAL) and have read thru it a few times, but due to financial constraints (on both our parts) neither of us have gone to take the course and do the exams. :redface:

eek, I just noticed my net grammar and spelling leak thru...I'm a geek and to make it easier to type long winded technical messages, have learned how to 'cheat' and make it easier while still competently conveying the necessary please don't take offense. :rolleyes:
I'm a geek and to make it easier to type long winded technical messages, have learned how to 'cheat' and make it easier while still competently conveying the necessary please don't take offense.

Srsly, Cam, there's nothing to take offence to offence to. lawl

The interior of BC is a pretty big place, brother, you gotta narrow it down more than that. Where are you?
Srsly, Cam, there's nothing to take offence to offence to. lawl

The interior of BC is a pretty big place, brother, you gotta narrow it down more than that. Where are you?
hey Splatter, I was just covering my bases as some do take offense (tho perhaps unaired). as to my location, you're right about the interior of BC being big, but if you check the third sentence in my post, you'll see I'm from Kamloops ;)
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