Meeting place for Newbies and Mentors -Ontario

Go to Silverdale's web site and you will see they offer the opportunity to fire several different calibers for a fee and under the supervision of one of their safety officers.
i was wondering if anyone had any experience with shooting outdoors on private land in caledon? i figured that if i can drive 10 mins away from my house than it would sure as hell beat going to a range. i know there are by-laws in place prohibiting this in brampton but i dont know about caledon.

...ok to answer my own question:
you CAN shoot non-restricted (obviously) guns at TARGETS or SKEETS during the day (for noise by-laws) on private property as long as you have WRITTEN consent from the land owners.
you CAN'T shoot on public land at all.
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i was wondering if anyone had any experience with shooting outdoors on private land in caledon? i figured that if i can drive 10 mins away from my house than it would sure as hell beat going to a range. i know there are by-laws in place prohibiting this in brampton but i dont know about caledon.

...ok to answer my own question:
you CAN shoot non-restricted (obviously) guns at TARGETS or SKEETS during the day (for noise by-laws) on private property as long as you have WRITTEN consent from the land owners.
you CAN'T shoot on public land at all.

You can read the Caledon by-law here:
Hi all, long time lurker first time poster. So my girlfriend of a year and a bit finally took me out to the range and I fell in love with it. She has a couple older guns with iron sights a 50's era 1889 (I think) and a funky old Spanish shotgun which were fun but honestly I wanted a big caliber rifle to bum around with and I just pulled the trigger (pardon the bad pun) on a Savage 110 and a scope. All in all about 800 with an 'OK' scope. After spending about 4 hours and a couple hundred rounds I am totally sold on shooting and am super excited to continue on. I even met a forum member there at the Stittsville Range who was friendly and super helpful walking me through some of the hoops!

My question is to any mentors in the Ottawa area, where would be the best place to do my PAL license. RPAL too sure, but mainly the PAL is my goal at the beginning because after dropping all the money on a rifle (which is technically my gf's for now) I just want to go out and shoot all the time and our hours are nowhere near similar so that presents a huge difficulty to me until I acquire it. Also, I suppose if anyone ever wants to shoot...

Anyway, I am thinking of just challenging the test as I have spent my life studying military history and handling weapons in and around the cottage/camp so I understand the parctical aspect quite well but if anyone has had a particularly good experience in a course I would be open to doing it. Or if challenging makes the most sense I guess that works too.
Hi all, long time lurker first time poster. So my girlfriend of a year and a bit finally took me out to the range and I fell in love with it. She has a couple older guns with iron sights a 50's era 1889 (I think) and a funky old Spanish shotgun which were fun but honestly I wanted a big caliber rifle to bum around with and I just pulled the trigger (pardon the bad pun) on a Savage 110 and a scope. All in all about 800 with an 'OK' scope. After spending about 4 hours and a couple hundred rounds I am totally sold on shooting and am super excited to continue on. I even met a forum member there at the Stittsville Range who was friendly and super helpful walking me through some of the hoops!

My question is to any mentors in the Ottawa area, where would be the best place to do my PAL license. RPAL too sure, but mainly the PAL is my goal at the beginning because after dropping all the money on a rifle (which is technically my gf's for now) I just want to go out and shoot all the time and our hours are nowhere near similar so that presents a huge difficulty to me until I acquire it. Also, I suppose if anyone ever wants to shoot...

Anyway, I am thinking of just challenging the test as I have spent my life studying military history and handling weapons in and around the cottage/camp so I understand the parctical aspect quite well but if anyone has had a particularly good experience in a course I would be open to doing it. Or if challenging makes the most sense I guess that works too.

tip #1, call it a firearm... not a weapon ;)
tip #1, call it a firearm... not a weapon ;)

Yea my girlfriend is quite adamant about it as well, but I figured since it is a hunting rifle it would be appropriate to call it a weapon especially because it is being used to either hunt or destroy targets, structures built to be shot at etc.

I frankly think that by classifying as one or the other you inherently and indirectly assign a stigma to the word weapon that can only be broken off by using the word appropriately. But then again I work in communications so I suppose it matters more to me than most.

Anyway, I get your point nonetheless. Thanks for the tip! If that is what you guys prefer I suppose I'll rock it as a matter of respect to the forum. But there are my two cents :)
Yea my girlfriend is quite adamant about it as well, but I figured since it is a hunting rifle it would be appropriate to call it a weapon especially because it is being used to either hunt or destroy targets, structures built to be shot at etc.

I frankly think that by classifying as one or the other you inherently and indirectly assign a stigma to the word weapon that can only be broken off by using the word appropriately. But then again I work in communications so I suppose it matters more to me than most.

Anyway, I get your point nonetheless. Thanks for the tip! If that is what you guys prefer I suppose I'll rock it as a matter of respect to the forum. But there are my two cents :)

any time someone in our PAL class mentioned "Weapon" they were yelled at, so it has stuck with me ;P
Hi all, long time lurker first time poster. So my girlfriend of a year and a bit finally took me out to the range and I fell in love with it. She has a couple older guns with iron sights a 50's era 1889 (I think) and a funky old Spanish shotgun which were fun but honestly I wanted a big caliber rifle to bum around with and I just pulled the trigger (pardon the bad pun) on a Savage 110 and a scope. All in all about 800 with an 'OK' scope. After spending about 4 hours and a couple hundred rounds I am totally sold on shooting and am super excited to continue on. I even met a forum member there at the Stittsville Range who was friendly and super helpful walking me through some of the hoops!

My question is to any mentors in the Ottawa area, where would be the best place to do my PAL license. RPAL too sure, but mainly the PAL is my goal at the beginning because after dropping all the money on a rifle (which is technically my gf's for now) I just want to go out and shoot all the time and our hours are nowhere near similar so that presents a huge difficulty to me until I acquire it. Also, I suppose if anyone ever wants to shoot...

Anyway, I am thinking of just challenging the test as I have spent my life studying military history and handling weapons in and around the cottage/camp so I understand the parctical aspect quite well but if anyone has had a particularly good experience in a course I would be open to doing it. Or if challenging makes the most sense I guess that works too.
I went thru firearms training with Dave Barrett. Good course and he also allows challenges on the Sunday. If you can't find his info pm me.
Hello. My wife and I are relatively new to the sport and live in London. We recently attended the EESA open house and fell in love with the club. I have completed the safety courses and have applied for my RPAL. We intend to join EESA next month when we have the cash for membership. Clearly it will be some time before I get my licence and can acquire any firearms but we are both itching to shoot again. It would be wonderful if a more experienced member would take us under their wing, teach us a bit about the different firearms and allow us to shoot off a few rounds. Please PM me if you have the time and inclination to help us out; I'm on here everyday.

BTW - Thank-you Stormbringer for your welcoming attitude and answering our questions. I'm the dude that brought up Michael Moorcock. Absolutely everyone we met at the club was fantastic. What a wonderful bunch of people!
Hi everyone,

My wife and I recently passed our PAL and Hunter Ed courses (though we're waiting for our PALs to arrive in the mail). Coming from non-hunting and generally anti-gun families, neither of us really have too many avenues for getting familiar with firearms. My wife started out a bit hesitant, but was able to go to a "ladies in the outdoors" weekend last weekend where she got to shoot crossbows, shotguns, and rifles...I think she's hooked now :)

Before we buy and firearms and actually go out hunting, we wanted to get familiar with firing rifles and shotguns and were wondering if there are any ranges, relatively local to Toronto, that we could head to. Of course, not having our PAL yet, we don't own any firearms, so the range would have to have some to rent/borrow.

Are there any places that we should think about going? We were thinking of trying to try some shooting next weekend (Canada Day long weekend). Alternately, are there any people here that might be able to help educate us? Really, other than the course, we're really green and without too many avenues other than the Internet to learn. We'd be happy to buy lunch, ammo, a case of beer; whatever...we're just really keen to learn and do things the right way.


Hey everyone
I'm from the Barrie area. Just finished my pal/rpal and I'm interested in becoming a part of a club. If there are members that are willing to have me out that would be awesome! Or just to shoot! I'm still waiting on my licence but I do have a enough experience with firearms to be confident with them (read safe)
Hi! I'm looking to try out shooting at a shooting range, but Target Sports doesn't allow single shooters, and I don't know others who is interested. You can be a mentor or just someone in the same situation as I am. We can go to Target Sports together and I'll pay for my own fees, unless you are willing to lend me your firearm (I assume it costs you less this way if you own any). PM me. Thanks.
I am not sure if this will be read, as this thread is HUGE at this point, and over 7 years old. I am looking to get involved in shooting sports, and would like to meet up with an experienced shooter, to help me through all the hoops I am about to jump through. I am in my 40's, level headed. I would even just like to meet up for some guidance on the simple things, like rec's on where to take my courses, ranges or clubs to check out etc. If anyone is still taking on newbs, PM me, and I will buy the coffee! Oh, and I live in Hamilton, Ontario.
I am not sure if this will be read, as this thread is HUGE at this point, and over 7 years old. I am looking to get involved in shooting sports, and would like to meet up with an experienced shooter, to help me through all the hoops I am about to jump through. I am in my 40's, level headed. I would even just like to meet up for some guidance on the simple things, like rec's on where to take my courses, ranges or clubs to check out etc. If anyone is still taking on newbs, PM me, and I will buy the coffee! Oh, and I live in Hamilton, Ontario.
Sunman silverdale gun club in st anns offers courses and is super friendly all range officers will help with almost anything and is within distance as i see your from hamilton
Hey, I'm from Toronto(Etobicoke) and looking for a club to join for handgun shooting(for now) and rifle/shotgun shooting (and hunting). I plan on having my own firearms before I join a club, just want some help finding out which ones to join.
Hey, I'm from Toronto(Etobicoke) and looking for a club to join for handgun shooting(for now) and rifle/shotgun shooting (and hunting). I plan on having my own firearms before I join a club, just want some help finding out which ones to join.

I too am in a similar position. I'm a new gun owner and I'm looking for a gun club mostly for target rifle shooting. Currently, I'm looking at the Barrie Gun Club, but I'd really rather not have to drive for an hour to get to a range.
hey im a young working dad thinking of get my firearms license and hunting license, but would like to meet and watch / spend some time with someone while they shoot and handle a gun. I live in the Pickering Oshawa area.
Hey all,

I'm from the Cambridge Ontario area and looking into getting into shooting. I have not shot a gun before and like anyone, would enjoy giving it a try before I put all the time into getting the proper licensing for it. I don't mind traveling to Kitchener-Waterloo to meet up and try this out!
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