Burlington (BRRC) 1 Day CQB Clinic 15 Feb 2014


CGN Ultra frequent flyer
Georgian Bay, ON
Yes, we finally got this off the ground with Skeetgunner, my pointman and Director of Rifle at BRRC, Burlington, ON.

When: Sat 15 Feb, classroom session in AM 0900 to 1300 , Range session 1300 to 1700

Where: BRRC, here's their site: http://rangeburlington.ca/

Who: Limited to BRRC and ORA members ONLY (BRRC members must have an ATT from BRRC, ORA members without an ATT will need to contact our pointman after paying / registering with me (tacticalteacher)

Cost: $40 for the single day

Payment: EMT Only, www.tacticalteacher.ca AND <Contact Us> Page, the EMT is at the bottom of the page.

Limit of Students: 30 Seats available. First pre-pay, first served

Material learned: CQB Matches as conducted at Langemark Ranges (some local mods may be needed). You should head to the Service Rifle forum and read the CQB sticky(ies) there.

Kit List: www.tacticalteacher.ca and visit the <Services Page> You will find the CQB clinic material there.

Short Term ATTs : After you pre-pay, we will get you a Letter of Invite to get the ST ATT process happening. You must PM Skeetgunner here on CGNutz for a letter of invite AFTER you pay me to hold your spot!

More details to follow once I cement these conditions and details with Skeetgunner, the man! :D


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I'm in! EMT sent. lol @ "hungry556" :)

Question: CQB is something I and some buddies would like to get into, and since we're already getting setup for 308 reloading, some advice for bullet weights & design for 5.56mm and 9mm would be appreciated when we bulk order. Are we looking at 55gr FMJ for 5.56 and 115gr FMJ for 9? Lighter loads of powder?
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This is based on ORA CQB matches at CFB Borden but I suspect it will be similar at BRRC and elsewhere in Ontario:

  • CQB is 35 yards and in, no power factor or similar requirements other than the bullets must make holes in paper.
  • Almost any bullet weight that works reliably will do for CQB.
  • Whatever you run for gear and ammunition needs to be +++ reliable, if you need to clear jams or anything other than move and shoot you will run out of time.
  • All sequences in all matches are time-limited, it is not good to be trying to get you gun running as you hear "Aaaaaaaannnnnnddddd... STOP".
  • The ammunition load-out for each match is specified in the course of fire, and you are not allowed to carry extra or take any shots forward of the specified position.
  • There is no bending over to pick up anything until after the cease-fire and weapons (yes, in CQB they are weapons) are cleared.
  • Any magazines you drop, rounds you eject trying to clear, rounds that jam, or other doofustry will cost you points.
  • Ammunition that causes jams may be deemed unsafe and not permitted on the range.
So if you are loading your own for CQB you should concentrate on reliability by resizing, chamber checking and whatever else you need to do to make sure it runs without issues.

Nope. Completely green noob here. I'd like to think I have some muzzle discipline from being on group hunts, but I don't know how to properly wear the gear nor slings, how to properly draw and aim, etc.
Don't worry, Barney and helpers will get you squared away.

If it is like the matches / clinics at Borden it is more like a (moving) bullseye match than hunting. Everybody loads, shoots, moves, clears, etc. on command, and generally you work in pairs with one shooting and one as the safety / observer / helper.

It should be great, and I wish I could be there but unfortunately I am committed elsewhere.

Yup it's exactly like the Langemark Range matches at Borden. We still have lots if room.

Reloading? Sure since we are inside 40 yards or meters I just stick with e
Inexpensive 55 grain slugs for the rifle and 115 gr boolits for yer 9mm.

Gear? Bring what you got. I have a backup FLC vest with mag pouches for this purpose.

Your thoughts?

Cheers, Barney.
Well, I got the cheap ammo, now I wanna fire it so I get my custom brass for reloading :)

On another note - probably an important one! - I've tried messaging a couple folks about letters of invite for the ATT, and have heard nothing back yet. Will you be sending these out closer to the date in a couple weeks?
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