I doubt the current event involving a fraudulent duplicate site is related to the past CC issues.

Those issues are bad history that keeps getting brought up.

I'm certain that theyve handled this issue if what they posted is true.

I didn't see Canadian Tire alert anyone when my Card was comprised at one of their locations using a pay and pickup during Covid lockdowns.

I don't see them constantly tarred and feathered.
It keeps getting brought up because many affected, myself included, feel they have inadequately handled the issue. Rather than sweep it under the rug and let bygones be bygones, angry customers will continue to bring it up - it is called accountability. It is a constant reminder that if a company fails to take ethical action, regardless of organizational maturity, there may be lasting impacts.

It is the only recourse customers who had their CC information compromised have, beside maybe a class action.
Got the scam domain suspended. :) Take that, you bastards.

I was hacked several years ago. RBC said it was a criminal organization in Ukraine that had got my information from someone in the us and apparently it was happening there a lot. I bet these days they’re just turning a blind eye to it or denying it is happening at all
I was hacked several years ago. RBC said it was a criminal organization in Ukraine that had got my information from someone in the us and apparently it was happening there a lot. I bet these days they’re just turning a blind eye to it or denying it is happening at all
That’s interesting.

I’ve seen a lot from Nigeria, Pakistan, India, China.

China as a big bitcoin scam country! Well they all are but China is off the hook.

Be aware that bitcoin was designed from the ground up to be largely untraceable. It’s almost entirely useless to report a bitcoin scam to Police. They move the coin, blend it, etc. They also originate from Countries that couldn’t care less.
I know you are probably asking this question out of curiosity and not going to say "see you got your money back so all is peachy!" Your question made me think about this thread...
No, not at all. I was just wondering if anyone got burned bad enough that they had to pay.

Listen, I get it. I must have spent 5 hours sorting out the last fraud with Visa, it boiled my blood as soon as I saw $6000 in charges I didn't make on my CC. So yeah, not a pleasant experience.

I could be way more upset with the site sponsor that twice compromised my CC, but I figure what's the point? Life is too short to be angry over something that's over and done with.
No, FOC had/has an inside staff problem. Someone was/is taking cc and personal info and it was ending up for sale on the dark web. I was also stung. The real kick in the pants was that they knew about the compromise and apparently chose to deal with it internally rather than informing customers. This resulted in untold numbers of customers to get scammed needlessly. At least they seem to have learned their lesson and are getting in front of this nonsense, but it comes as no surprise to me that they've been targeted again. For the scammers, what was lucrative then, will be lucrative in the future. Like thieves who wait for the insurance money to replace the large screen TV they stole 4 weeks ago, these little f uckers will return, time and time again.
This is complete slander. Nobody here was involved in any sort of credit card stealing. We don't even see credit card numbers when customer's place orders.

Fraud and hacking is rampant. We are now with Big Commerce and have not had any issues for years. The website is extremely secure.
Been hacked a number of times(not from this store) One hacker bought a pile of stuff in BC. The other hacker checked my card and used it from a lawyers office in Texas
This is complete slander. Nobody here was involved in any sort of credit card stealing. We don't even see credit card numbers when customer's place orders.

Fraud and hacking is rampant. We are now with Big Commerce and have not had any issues for years. The website is extremely secure.
If your systems are secure, and it wasn't an inside job, how, pray tell, did myself and countless others get burned by making purchases with our CC'd at your company?

Slander, is only slander if it isn't true.
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I’d add that if you want to be foolproof when it comes to online purchases, it’s a good idea to have a separate credit card. Use that card for online purchases, then lock it down using your banking app afterwards.

There have been a few things I’ve wanted that only FOC has had. I think I may go this route.
The other tip I would advise is to enable 'Alert Notifications' on your card for purchases that exceed a predefined dollar value.

For example, if you set the threshold for $100, you will either get an immediate text message and/or email whenever there are charges made that exceed the amount.

All major banks for this ability to push notify the cardholder. I'd strongly recommend this feature for those who are concerend about CC fraud.
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That’s interesting.

I’ve seen a lot from Nigeria, Pakistan, India, China.

China as a big bitcoin scam country! Well they all are but China is off the hook.

Be aware that bitcoin was designed from the ground up to be largely untraceable. It’s almost entirely useless to report a bitcoin scam to Police. They move the coin, blend it, etc. They also originate from Countries that couldn’t care less.
I would add Eastern European countries to your above list.

Regarding BTC and crypto as largely untraceable, I would have to disagree with you on that. All transactions are immutable on the blockchain and associated to a specific wallet address regardless if the trx was a buy, sell, blend, etc. Using osint tools and available on-offchain data, one can trace and id the wallet owner. Just need to know where to look and how to find the data. All crypto transactions leave a digital footprint.
We have taken action to get the other site taken down. Legal action is also being pursued to find out the perpetrators.
Best of luck and wishing you success in locating the perp(s) who are/were impersonating your business and trying to deceive the general public particularly the lawabiding firearms community in Canada...
If you systems are secure, and it wasn't an inside job, how, pray tell, did myself and countless others get burned by making purchases with our CC'd at your company?

Slander, is only slander if it isn't true.
Speculating here only. From what I've read, FOC was using a smaller 3rd party CC clearance company from where the breach occurred.

FOC have now switched to one of the larger CC clearance companies (probably at a higher fee) to mitigate the past threat. Will leave it to FOC to clarify.

From my POV, you cannot fully blame FOC if the 3rd party was scraping and selling the CC data on the darkweb. This threat would have occured at the 3rd party and would have been outside of FOC's control.

Regardless, anyone who had their CC compromised should have been covered and protected by the CC issurer/bank for all fruadulent charges.

FULL DISCLOSURE: I am not a past customer of FOC nor am I related to them in a professional or personal matter. Will I do business with FOC if/when I have a need, probably YES because we need to continue to support our LGS such as FOC in this time of political strife and attacks from the leftist gun-grabbing Libs. We all need to stop cannabilzing our vendors and supporters of the sport/community because of a past action/inaction that was outside of their control.
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