People who say that don't seem to know a lot about the import of goods into Canada. I'm not saying that's the case with you, but Canada has this for tens of thousand of goods across the country many of which are actually made specifically for the Canadian market not to mention Quebec.
I discount nothing. The original T97 rifles were literally redesigned exclusively for us. The T-81 has been redesigned exclusively for us. Many other firearms such as the CZ offerings we had and have, Skorp Evo, 858 etc even Wolverine had a special version of the 858 built just for Canada at one time.
You discount the actual purchasing power of being able to markup the product to an EXTREME premium for insanely low effort. Many many firearms companies continue to do this here and other places around the globe. There is also the prestige of selling in the North American market, which is a factor in scaling and offering the product to other places. If it's successful here, it's often good to go for Europe, the Philippines etc. Selling 5k rifles in Canada is actually a big deal for many firearms companies as that covers the extremely limited R and D needed to create a rifle to our spec which is then easily offered all over.
The T97 version we have is showing up in other countries, the CZ offering became the Skorp Evo Carbine, all that good stuff.