So hypothetical question, Say I have a 16" barrel or even a 10.5" barrel made from a barrel blank by a gunsmith, and I put it on, oh.... I don't know...... say a sporterized Lee Enfield.
One barrel measures 16", and the other barrel measures 10.5", the Lee Enfield minus it's original barrel from front of action to rear butt pad equals 19.5".
If I add the two together, the barrel 16" plus Sporterized Lee Enfield action and stock 19.5", it makes 35.5". That's 9.5" longer than the minimum legal limit of 26"
or with the 10.5" barrel plus the Enfield make it 30", that's 4" longer than the minimum legal limit of 26".
All the work would be done by a gunsmith not me.
Would this make it a prohibited weapon? Would it changes its classification from Non-Restricted to Restricted?
Again just a hypothetical question, not something I would consider doing......
Merry Christmas and have a Happy New Year everyone!