Henry H001 Trump Edition

we will all be very lucky if this man does not take the usa and us into something we cannot get out of ..... cover up the button and give him a soother
When I was a small child, parents told their children: "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me."

You act as though you're completely unaware of the fact that Trump, the President, has a track record, and that the majority of American voters do 'know' Trump, the President. Anyone who is willing can look at Trump's record and compare his record to the records of Obama, and Biden. The majority of American voters do not share your opinion with respect to Trump, the President, and they know that during the period when Trump was the POTUS the standard of living in the United States of America was improved.
When I was a small child, parents told their children: "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me."

You act as though you're completely unaware of the fact that Trump, the President, has a track record, and that the majority of American voters do 'know' Trump, the President. Anyone who is willing can look at Trump's record and compare his record to the records of Obama, and Biden. The majority of American voters do not share your opinion with respect to Trump, the President, and they know that during the period when Trump was the POTUS the standard of living in the United States of America was improved.
A response from what can only be another planet.
Agreed. No doubt Trump was and will be the worst President ever to hold office, as well as the biggest all around scumbag. Same as Trudeau is the worst Prime Minister ever. Impossible to say otherwise.
So y'all think Hillary, Biden and Harris are a better choice than President Trump.

It's a shocker that you're not a Trudeau azz kisser! At least not admititally so.
Two questions: Why are people in this thread so salty about an individual taking office in another country? Also if you really hate him, just don't buy one of these? It's like some people saw this thread and thought "Oh boy, let's hop on in there, get @$$hurt and spike the ol' cortisol!" Not sure about others, but I tend to avoid things that I know are going to make me upset. PR is simply trying to advertise a product that may appeal to some, not have the thread s%^& up by Orange Man Haydurs and the "Please annex us Daddy" crowd.
No doubt. Pretty lame honestly, I am a Henry owner and generally a fan but some of the stuff they put out makes me shake my head.
Any type of "limited edition" gun feels like a total cash grab. Just a normal gun with some tacky engravings. People buy them as an investment thinking they can flip them for more down the road but in reality nobody wants to pay $2000 for your $500 gun that's gotten some laser engravings on them.
And to be frank I find the worship of this guy (or politicians in general) to just be weird, would much rather have something commemorating something like the battle of Vimy Ridge or D-Day than some old businessman.
Has nothing to do with my firearms. It's Trump. I don't think a convicted criminal rapist, scam artist, misogynist Kremlin plant should be leading a country. Just like I think Trudeau the idiot shouldn't be leading our country.
except that Trump has already proven he can a country on the brink of economic disaster and turn it around within 6 months like he did when he took over OBOZO and his clown show in 2016,only to have pedojoe destroy it again,and now,Trump is back to fix it AGAIN,and considering how bad he beat that twit chick,and that he controls everything now,he'll have an easy time of it,the same way our Conservative part will have to fix the libtards mess,
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