My newest purchase from IRG Lets SEE PICS OF YOURS:) !!!


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Finally got my keeper Valmet m78 7.62x39 with 4 Valmet mags, finish mag pouch, fiskers bayonet and scabbard, two valmet slings, a spare buttplate, a couple brass deflectors, factory manual, 3 korean 40 round mags, 5 bulgarian 40 round mags, 2 russian 30 round bakelite mags, and 2 75 round romanian drums.

Lets see what other cool stuff you guys have brought in through IRUNGUNS!


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Still waiting


and waiting
and waiting
Hey Steve

Glad you finally got your M78 in 7.62x39. I think \i will be chopping the barrel on mine to 18.5" and retro fit an AK buttstock to it for a rifle sized firearm instead of the LMG it is now.

I know it sounds crazy but really want an m71\ m72s version rifle!!!!!!!!!!!

Im a gonna do it and ill post pics when its completed!!!!!

I want something like this when i am finished:

From this:

to this:

but in 7.62x39 instead of the 223
Thanks to Irunguns , here Mosseberg MVP Patrol, 5.56mm NATO, Medium Bull Barrel, Threaded with A2 Flash Suppressor, Adjustable Trigger.




Very Good little rifle...
I have 2 items ..... which I am waiting for. :)

1 should be soon. Paid shipping invoice....they just need too ship. And I bought one today....maybe in 2 weeks I will see it (off CDN website).

I can't wait.
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