Poly 80 shipment update, May 21, 2024

holy hell my approval finally came in from end June purchase. gotta love Ontario CFO.

Cant wait for the PFS9

I got mine last week. Feels great in the hand. Quite impressed.

Finally, we have what will probably be the last shipment from Polymer 80 heading our way. First, there will be no rail kits, only slides and barrels, both Standard and compact. As we get more info we will update.
How come the last shipment?

Handguns are banned, parts are now legislated out the ass, businesses are minimizing the chance of getting stuck with unsellable stock, CBSA picks and chooses when it wants to deny shipments and hold things up, our government isn't gun friendly.... the list can go on but I think those cover it.
Would have thought there was still a market for parts? Especially complete slides and conversion kits for people who have “ frozen “ guns that want to upgrade or have a different slide for a different caliber. I could understand dropping the p80 rails. At this point anyone who has a serialized p80 frame already has rails for it and you can probably guess most of the demand for them by now is likely from people who don’t have a rpal. It’s also possible p80 just doesn’t want to ship to Canada anymore and Saskatoon has other manufacturers they’re happy selling
Would have thought there was still a market for parts? Especially complete slides and conversion kits for people who have “ frozen “ guns that want to upgrade or have a different slide for a different caliber. I could understand dropping the p80 rails. At this point anyone who has a serialized p80 frame already has rails for it and you can probably guess most of the demand for them by now is likely from people who don’t have a rpal. It’s also possible p80 just doesn’t want to ship to Canada anymore and Saskatoon has other manufacturers they’re happy selling

Polymer80 hasn't shipped to us for almost a year do to lack of inventory, we have had backorders since March of last year. Polymer80 has been good to us when they had inventory and made a real effort to get us inventory prior to the ban, however since then they have had a difficult time with their own suppliers and we have suffered the consequences. I truly hope things get better for them as I really like their product, but for now, I'm very happy to be getting some product.
Polymer80 hasn't shipped to us for almost a year do to lack of inventory, we have had backorders since March of last year. Polymer80 has been good to us when they had inventory and made a real effort to get us inventory prior to the ban, however since then they have had a difficult time with their own suppliers and we have suffered the consequences. I truly hope things get better for them as I really like their product, but for now, I'm very happy to be getting some product.

Have you thought about looking into P320 parts since basically everything is on the table including grip modules
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