does anyone know how many USGI m14 were built on Chinese recievers?
Not a single one.
That is unless you are speaking about SEI rifles, however this thread is focused on the original 4 H&R,WRA,TRW, and SA
does anyone know how many USGI m14 were built on Chinese recievers?
the SEI rifles were built under government contract, thus are USGI.
@Different, so the "T" in HRT was for Textile Machine Works, and the "W" in HRA-W was for Wright Manufacturing. Is it known if the "N" in HRN, or HR-N was another sub contractor? like New Haven Clock?. And can we assume anything marked HRA or H&R or HR was actually produced at H&R?
Suggested note updates for commercial trigger housings:
Springfield Armory, Inc. trigger housings with no markings were manufactured by Wayne Machine, Inc. (Taipei, Taiwan).
Additional markings for Springfield Armory, Inc. trigger housings were 7267030-G and 7267030-H.