What gun should Henry make next?

Some of you have already seen that we recently became an Industry Member of this forum, and we're very excited to be here! Just because we're "Made in America, Or Not Made At All," doesn't mean that we don't love our Northern neighbors.

Let's kick this off with an open-ended poll of sorts.

We currently make over 200 different rifles, shotguns, pistols, and an "other". No doubt, there are a lot of different calibers and finishes to choose from, but do we make your ideal firearm?

If you could take over project management for the next big Henry Repeating Arms release, what would you choose to get our talented engineers working on and why? :stirthepot2:

just make reliable products that you could pass on to your grandchildren
Lever action, side loading gate, mannlicher stock. I see no reason why such a beast should not exist.

If you could finally crack the code of the side loading 22 lever also that would be amazing. The world needs this. Now more than ever.
24” barrel lever action 308 with quality iron sights and a medium to varmint contour barrel.
Mag fed with safety
Ideal for all Canadian hunting
Please please please no pencil barrel !
They make a useless rifle even worse
Like many have already said, a carbine in 9mm.
BUT, to be dependable I think it would have to have a TUBE magazine.
The short 9mm would have issues in a side gate loading situation.

I know loading 38 special is a bit of a challenge in the Marlin with a side gate.
Just seems a bit short and finicky loading shorter bullets especially in a gun that was designed for a LONG cartridge

I honestly think building a lever in 9mm would be very problematic,...especially to get it to function correctly....BUT If you can,..yes I would buy one for sure.

By buddy has the big boy brass 357 and he is having issues feeding and ejecting. Its very ammo sensitive and wont run 38 special well at all. Its a shame because I would have bought one in a heart beat. It seems to be the only rifle in the Henry line up that has issues.

I do own a Henry 22 mag and I love it. Fantastic rifle beautiful fit and finish. I would like to add to my Henry collection.
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Would be nice to see some Tang and Receiver aperture sights with matching front globes and front hi-vis blades ! Price and quality close to Williams product for affordability.

Your current sights are good quality but people with eyesight deterioration can find them useless. You would be breaking new ground for US firearm manufacturing with stock and accessory offerings and, catching up to the Italian manufacturers offerings.
Brought home the new side gate today in 38-55 Crappy picture doesn't do it justice.
May not fire this one, we'll see.




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