What gun should Henry make next?

I would like to see inertia (recoil) operated semi automatic hunting rifle. (I have a semi-auto magnum inertia operated shotgun and will never go back to gas operated system. No more gunk and gas residue to clean. It is of a very simple design and yes, it does even work with 7/8 oz reloaded shells as well, as long as the powder charge is appropriate.) I am sure Henry engineers can produce a rifle in the same system that would be simple, reliable and user friendly to disassemble in the field if necessary.
That would be pretty great, I'd take a barrel set in a pistol caliber for blasting away as well as a big bore.

I would be all over this also! When the hadi-rifle was being made in single barrels, they wouldnt stay on the shelves and at a price point of $500 rifle(give of take) and $200 for interchange barrels what a deal.
But a double barrel SxS, in popular calibers! Ya deal me in...provided their affordable!! Henry's are already climbing the scale in price point, passing Marlin and right on the heels of Winchester comparing side gate 30-30s for example !
I've got a great idea about how to make a telescoping stock to put on a Mares leg type gun. Short to carry long to shoot.
A pump-action rifle in .223 Remington that takes AR magazines. There are thousands of .223 shooters who have been affected by the OIC ban. Price the rifle under $1500
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