April 6 2015 Update on AT15 mags important notice

Well, too early to tell something for sure. One was working fine, the other initially would not let the round to be scooped forward by the returning bolt, no matter how many rounds (tried both brass and steel cased ammo in 55 and 62 gr) were in. Too tight tolerances? Hard to say. I filed down some sharp edges around the feeding lips with the basic nail file. Problem disappeared after 50-60 rounds, but I'll need more testing done before buying more of these. Awesome idea though! Thanks ATRS.
I'm on a fixed and limited budget, so I can't afford such fun on my own time. Loading them with the quarters (for some drills) helped me to realize that the spring tension is quite strong comparing to a standard 20 rounds magazines. So far I'm very glad with the purchase. Thank you for making it all possible ATRS.
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