Cz 858 Owners

I don't own a CZ-858 but was saving up for one when the reclassification happened. Could I still send an email saying that John or do you only want owners to send the emails?


I feel that it is most important to keep our e-mails polite, honest and professional. We must maintain our integrity, this is only stage one in a new plan and sticking to honest facts is essential. I will post more as this develops.

If you don't own a CZ 858 you can still be of great assistance, please e-mail along the lines that you were planning to purchase one but can't now and that this even makes you uncertain about supporting CZ with other purchases of their products.

As at 7.30 am today we have only sent 62 e-mails to CZ, that is less than 1%. I leave you to think about what kind of message we have sent so far. Please spread the word.

Would it be ok for some of us to post up our letters?
Then others could copy, paste, and edit as they see fit.
We might get more people involved if given the easy way.:)

Would it be ok for some of us to post up our letters?
Then others could copy, paste, and edit as they see fit.
We might get more people involved if given the easy way.:)

Absolutely, yes anything that will get more letters written the better. If this goes off at half #### we only have ourselves to blame. The antis have already targeted this on Face Book.
Dear Mr Kallus,

I am writing to share my disappointment regarding the recent reclassification of the 858 rifle in Canada.

I purchased two of these rifles,ironically one of them is the "Canadian" version that have now been prohibited by the Canadian government due to being a converted auto.

These rifles were purchased in good faith by thousands of Canadian hunters and sport shooters. Your company clearly missed something when in 2007 you started using the FA receivers,now many Of your customers are paying the price.

I have been a longtime Cz supporter, owning many of your rifles and pistols and have always been impressed with your products as well as how CZ have conducted themselves. Please do the right thing here, step up and support your Canadian Friends!!

Best Regards
One sample to copy, edit, and send:
Send to:

Hello from Canada!

I am writing to ask for your help in fixing the CZ 858 situation in Canada.

Wolverine Supplies will have all the details about our dire situation.

I have purchased a Cz 858 in good faith and now find through no fault of my own that it is prohibited. I am not happy to find myself in this situation. I and 10,000 others would appreciate any help to rectify this.

I also have purchased your fine rifles in 22lr and pistols, and I hope to remain a loyal customer and continue to your products. However, I do have reservations about future purchases if our dilemma cannot be resolved.

Please help us rectify this situation,

Thank you,
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Absolutely, yes anything that will get more letters written the better. If this goes off at half #### we only have ourselves to blame. The antis have already targeted this on Face Book.

Are they really anti's?

Ha! CZ 585 .303 British High-capacity Assault Rifle owners are trying to organize something to do with taking the manufacturer to task on CGN. Good luck - all your guns are belong to us!
Please do NOT follow this redneck link:

Cz 858 Owners
I would encourage all owners of the CZ858 to e-mail CZ and voice their feelings about the current situation in Canada with the CZ 858 rifle. I would advise that you keep the e-mail polite, short and to the point. Most of the posts on CGN have contained a lot of speculation, please stick to the facts…
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