Non-Restricted ACR - Barrels - Start of Aug Update.

I spoke to one of their salesmen a few minutes ago. The guy who is handling the ACR purchase is out of the office for the next couple of days. This guy said they have been shipped from the US and they expect to have them this week and expect to ship them out to us Friday or Monday.

Two weeks ago I was told the same thing, at that point the barrels had not been switched over yet at the us factory.
The restricted models (factory model) have not shipped yet, so how do you suppose that the conversions are already done and ready to ship prior to those than require no work at all?
sad how a 2 min update here would do so much for their customers....and yet noone bothers.... even though you would think its better than having so many people calling for updates..

AE made it very clear that updates would be posted if the info presented changed / there were changes to the timelines. If he is not posting an update then nothing has changed since his last update. AE & crew are straight up and good to deal with as anyone who has dealt with them on a "normal" purchase can attest too. No need to get your pee hot.
I was told if I wanted a restricted instead it would be shipped within a week.... that was a couple weeks ago

It would be nice to have a firm answer instead of various different answers

Ok im walking into the support group tonight!!
Meh, I don't know then. All I know is we got a smokin deal. The dollar isn't coming down anytime soon, and if waiting saved me $1000 im fine with that.
I'm going to call BS as only two were ordered in restricted and I know for a fact at least one has not been shipped yet.

That post is over a month old and Walter was still saying they were in the USA at that time. I don't even know if they made it to Canada yet for sure.
Wow, you guys are ravenous.
Had my restricted ACR for a few months now - same sale price from Bushmaster, different site sponsor.
It's off getting converted as we speak. Keep an eye on the EE for it soon.
Didn't sell in restricted mode.
Hey GunNutz,

Just a small update from us here at AE.
As of right now the status of the firearms is the same as when this thread was started and still awaiting their assembly/shipment to Canada.
We are very much looking forward to getting these into your hands, and appreciate you're waiting! We haven't forgotten about you guys :)
Hope this is helpful. We will also try and pop our heads into the forums here a little more frequently over the next while.

So does that mean they have shipped, they have been assembled? Liam told me yesterday they had definitely shipped.
and still awaiting their assembly/shipment to Canada.

the way I read that they are not ready or assembled and ready for shipping at all....sigh
Hey Gunnutz,

We apologize that it's been taking a while, unfortunately that's the nature of this sort of order.
Luckily, nobody will have to deal with the recent changes in the Canadian dollar, and still get this item at the sale we originally offered.
Nobody has been told that the guns are in Canada yet, and any mention of them being shipped/in transit is referring to the whole process of assembly/shipping.
If there is any confusion here feel free to call or email

Customer Service
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