Timmy Hoes or Mickey D's?

Which do you prefer?

  • Tim Hortons Coffee

    Votes: 261 16.8%
  • McDonalds Coffee

    Votes: 726 46.7%
  • Don't touch the stuff

    Votes: 190 12.2%
  • Starbucks ( Wizard-Hipster-Jazz-Hands )

    Votes: 112 7.2%
  • I Make it at home. ( Folgers Ect.. )

    Votes: 264 17.0%

  • Total voters
Used to own a Second Cup (nightmare - whole other story). McD’s beat all brands on blind taste tests for daily regular brewed coffee, hands down. They also own their own plantations (along with every valuable streetcorner in North America). Sbux pike Place usually second. There’s a reason Tim’s promotes the ‘double double’ tag line - ya don’t want to drink the swill black! But when you have a long drive, anything will do...
I don't drink coffee very often but did get into it when I was testing. Basically I was bought a cup of tims before I could wake up and decline so eff it, 2 hr drive to site might as well. It was good and I had a cup every day for a while. Then the changeup happened and their coffee went from good to boiling piss water with stale instant coffee partially mixed in. Tried McD's coffee and it was great. I don't always drink coffee but when I do, I prefer McDonald's.
Don't know whether it's true or not, but I was told that since last year both Timmies and McD's has changed suppliers of their ground coffee and now McD's have Timmies old supplier.

That’s the rumour I heard as well... I used to love Tim’s, but it’s not my taste anymore. Neither is their “food”
I have been told by people along the way and have seen it on the net in places, the reason why we like McD's coffee so much is it is actually Tims old coffee brew. Tims now roasts and brews their own coffee,
I never liked Tims coffee! I was in Australia in 2001 and the McDonald there were testing the mc cafe, that is where I tasted their coffee first, was great!
Edit, oh yea, forgot to mention, for those that don't know, you get a discount for being older than dirt at McDonald's and free refills, yes, which is great for me cause I like coffee hot black and wet,so I order a small and just refill when needed!
Have always supported Tim's but I am not happy with the way the big corporation that took them over is behaving. Prices are rising the quality of product is deteriorating. I remember the old apple fritters made fresh . Now everything is shipped to the store frozen . For the price of a coffee at Tim's I can get a coffee and muffin at McD's and McD's has free newspapers to read.

Hell yeah, this^^

think ill be investigating McDs coffee... never thought of them for that! But i have noticed TH donuts reaching a higher factor ofsuck, and the shipping half-cooked seems unseemly to me.
My piss after drinking McDons coffee probably tastes better than Tim Hortons coffee straight off the press. Starbucks is also junk. Cafe Motivo 2nd to Dons. My home brew cheap drip 3rd. Expensive drip 1st.

But I'm cheap so I like to brew my own coffee. MJB or whatever the blue can house coffee is. Not because it tastes better, but because Im cheap and can brew a whole pot for 1/5th the price. Except for that one time, I bought $4/100 gram grounds and damn that was a good cup of coffee.
My piss after drinking McDons coffee probably tastes better than Tim Hortons coffee straight off the press. Starbucks is also junk. Cafe Motivo 2nd to Dons. My home brew cheap drip 3rd. Expensive drip 1st.

But I'm cheap so I like to brew my own coffee. MJB or whatever the blue can house coffee is. Not because it tastes better, but because Im cheap and can brew a whole pot for 1/5th the price. Except for that one time, I bought $4/100 gram grounds and damn that was a good cup of coffee.

Yea I am cheap too but find Costco espresso blend ground up fairly fine makes a great cup, I usually use a press but sometimes the Keurig! McDonald's with their stickers get you a free coffee for every 6 and old guy discount, plus on occasion they have Buck a coffee no matter what size! They are aggressively going after the Tims crowd. years ago, it used to be that way, coffee was cheap to get you in the door!
The McDonalds stuff is great. Ironically they don’t seem to sell it in the US. Last time I was down there it was garbage, may as well have been drinking Dunkin Donuts.
The McDonalds stuff is great. Ironically they don’t seem to sell it in the US. Last time I was down there it was garbage, may as well have been drinking Dunkin Donuts.
Didn't realize that, hope they change it, unless of course the Americans have a different taste for coffee, I hear rumours that soda pop is changed slightly depending on geographic area! The coffee I had in Australia back in 2001 is very similar to ours, it was their trial area for mc cafe! They even sold slices of cake!
My wife was a die hard Tims fan, I'm all for Mcds. It took some work but she's been converted.
Neither of us can stomach Tims anymore, but her and her girlfriends meet at Tims, to talk girl stuff. Now wifey stops at Mcds before the hen session, pours her delicious Mcds coffee into a Tims travel mug, then goes in to cackle.


That said, I've started everyday for the last 25 some years, with home brew.
Tim’s coffee is only drinkable as a double double. Feeding the dairy and sugar cravings.
McDonalds is better. Their Americano at least tastes close to the coffee I make at home.

Presidents Choice West Coast Dark, and a Bodum. 2 spoons, boiling water, and PRESTO! Awesome cuppa joe! Alternatively I will perk on my stove top (drip coffee is nasty)

For some reaon my guests think my coffee is both too hot and too strong.

Strange parallel alert. The guests who like my coffee shoot guns. The ones that complain do not.
COFFEE. traveling through Maine, at a gas variety at midnight there was three pots. regular, Dark, and 24 HOUR. Dude that 24 hour stuff could stand a spoon in it, should be registered at a drug. Smelled like burned tar.
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