Bill c-71

The CSSA only had a few points. The actual document has many changes with 100's of references I know nothing about. I'd like to understand everything that is actually changing.

I read the whole thing and its just more of the same points that CSSA posted but with some detail. The Coles notes version is pretty much what CSSA sent out. Hence "More to come". there's no more expansion on it that I could see.
This bill has just been introduced. What is the likelyness that this passes.

Also, and sorry for the newbie question, what's the difference between the cz 858 and the vz.58? Both seem the same to me but yet one is going to be prohibited and the other remains restricted.

likelyness is about 100% that it will pass without amendment, despite the desperate need for about 30 amendments just to make the billy consistent and tidy enough to do what they intend it to do, notwithstanding the fact that we don't like what it will do.

The scary part....

The Registrar shall issue a reference number if he or she is satisfied that the transferee holds and is still eligible to hold a licence authorizing them to acquire and possess a non-restricted firearm.

so, now the fine folks at on the phone get to decide??

And given the fact that license info is less than 20% of the info required to determine if a transfer should proceed, they should always refuse to issue the transfer notice.
Courtesy of the CSSA

Bill C-71 has been introduced and the CSSA was there. Here is a quick run down of the provisions of this bill.

1. Background checks for criminal violence and any mental illness will be conducted over the life of the individual, not the previous five year period.

2. Both business and private sales of all firearms are subject to computerized license verification. Non-Restricted firearms transfers will not have the information regarding the firearm recorded.

3. Business are required to keep records which will include the individual's information and all information regarding the firearm(s) transferred. The business must keep the records for 20 years unless the business ceases to be a business. In that case all records must be surrendered to the authorities.

4. Authorizations to Transport have been gutted. The only permitted uses are to shooting ranges and Purchase-to-Home, but will still include "all ranges in province". All currently held ATTs will be revoked upon passage of Bill 71.

5. All of the Swiss Arms Classic series and all CZ-858s will be made 12(9) Prohibited. The owners of these rifles will be Grandfathered. Grandfathered individuals will be able to acquire other 12(9) firearms. Grandfathered owners will be permitted to transport these firearms to a range for the purposes of target shooting.

6. The powers of the Governing Council to declare any firearm to be Non-Restricted has been revoked. The Governing Council may still be used to declare any firearms to be restricted or prohibited.

7. UN Firearms Marking will be issued in a Technical amendment.

More to come - Stay tuned.

Can someone explain 4, 6 and 7?

Does 4 mean I can’t go to my gunsmiths place of business anymore? Or I require an ATT to do so?

Does 6 mean that my shotgun and bolt gun can become restricted? What is the Governing Council?

Does 7 mean that any new AR I purchase will have special markings on them already? Or issued in a paper document?
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probably how they are going to handle the absolutely insane number of calls they'll be receiving from the thousands and thousands on NON RESTRICTED transfers that will occur DAILY. details like that you know. That they either over looked, or intended fully to dissuade private ownership and sales of any firearms.

Its the government. They dont have to handle $@$^. It just means you have to wait months to have it processed IF you can ever get them on the phone to initiate a transfer.
It's pretty plainly written that converted autos are prohib in Canada. The gun was made specifically for the Canadian market. Was not originally made with converted auto recievers. When they ran out of semi auto recievers they simply started converting auto recievers without looking into our laws. The entire issue with the CZ 858 family of firearms is their fault. Dealers should not have to peiodically dissasemble firearms to ensure some company didn't suddenly start to use converted auto recievers.

Not CZ’s problem. They way their rules are written those receivers are not. It’s not their problem
^^ This ^^
I don't understand the mentality of Rushing out to buy a rifle that stands a nearly 100% chance of becoming prohibited.

And am getting a kick out of all the retailers - "Hurry buy one now before you can never shoot it again". Vultures. Sounds more like "Hurry and buy these off us so we aren't stuck with them"...

Yeah I can't say I have a lot of respect for the retailers who are saying "get them while they're still available". Scare tactics to sell is pretty low. But I get it, it's their livelyhood and they may be stuck with expensive product they cannot move.
Not CZ’s problem. They way their rules are written those receivers are not. It’s not their problem

It is their problem. They had one type of firearm submitted, then changed the elements later on after submission without informing the buyers. It’s like Honda selling you a car, but putting in a ford engine. The CZ owners should sue the company for breach f contract.
Two things that should I consider to be the most important and I think everyone should be very concerned about:

1) The re-instituting of the LGR. It's like the Libs saying they will never bring in the NEP, but then bring in "equilization payments". Same pile of crap, just labelled differently. There is no difference between the LGR and the what's proposed in this bill in its current form. Another lib platform promise up in smoke;

2) The requirement of each firearm to have a UN identification number. Why the hell would any citizen of any country want an un-elected, foreign agency to have input, discretionary authority or any other information about citizens of a sovereign country? Don't think that that information won't be shared with the UN in some form, think again. Maybe not immediately, but at some point. No doubt that this is the first step in a litany of steps that will proceed into future generations. First, it will be a UN Identification Number, then it will be a UN ID processing fee. No doubt, at some point, the UN will have discretionary authority over gun laws of "member countries". Watch and wait.

I heard of the liberals lusting desire to have a "Central Firearms Registry" nationwide back in the mid 90's. Their ultimate goal is to have you house your firearms in a central vault and have to sign them out to take them hunting, target shooting, etc. I have no doubt its true. There is no moral or logical justification for this Act and its the first step of many to simply disarm law abiding Canadians while giving the illusion of getting tough on crime. Think beyond this act and the motives for it. I trust most of you will come to a similar conclusion - this is a long con by the libs.
Ok that was not as painful as it could have been, only thing of concern is the RCMP classification system? What is this going to mean, m14’s restricted?
Re- Posted: Sections 23 and 23.#1 of the Act are replaced by the following:
Authorization to transfer non-restricted firearms
23 (1) A person may transfer a non-restricted firearm if, at the time of the transfer,
(a) the transferee holds a licence authorizing the transferee to acquire and possess a non-restricted firearm;
(b) the Registrar has, at the transferor’s request, issued a reference number for the transfer and provided it to the transferor; and
(c) the reference number is still valid.

Is it just me or does this make every person give all details to the Gov when transferring a Non-Res firearm? As in a new register of all firearms? So you "commit" a crime if you dont have a valid reference number? So you have to call in and transfer all Non-Res firearms now? It would appear that we have big problems if so....
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