An update on ATRS vs the federal government action.

What is the case for customers who ordered way before the OIC and have paid in full.

Are these still able to be shipped?

We got permission from the attorney general to ship out all orders dated before May 1 2020, so have been doing so as fast as possible. We have finished every receiver set for every order that has been placed, but have not received the OK to ship any that were placed after May 1 2020.
Our next court date is later this month and we are very hopeful of the outcome.
Something I find real sad is the the fact that the ATRS legal fund has only reached about $60K, yet several others who have commenced actions have exceeded their goal by considerable amounts. The fact that very few see the true gravity of the situation here is stunning. Rick is risking EVERYTHING to keep his client records from getting into the rcmp's hands, going the distance and then some to try and get everyone who ordered Modern rifles either their orders shipped or worst case scenario the funds to reimburse folks for purchases that the government is likely forcing him to not be able to refund.

ATRS has contributed tremendously to the Canadian gun culture over the last 20 plus years, yet of the many thousands of gun owners that these guys have helped over that time only a small dedicated number of ATRS followers have chipped in to help them.

I realize that times are tough all over but think about it. Is $20.00 really that much that a guy can't help out a brother? I know that some have donated significantly and that some simply can not afford to, however to those who can I am asking you PLEASE help me and help yourself to get these guys the needed cash to carry on their fight for all of our rights and freedoms.

I am in a fortunate position so have been able to donate a fair bit of money to their cause. If even 10% of the gun culture pitched in $10.00 each this cause would have the funds to crush this in court.
I can hardly wait for this case to set precedent where by every gunowner will possibly be able to get compensation.

The only way this case can set a precedent is IF it actually can get in front of a judge, which takes far more money than they have without help. Actions like this run hundreds of thousands of dollars. The CCFR for example has 1.2 million dollars set aside if I understand their messages correctly.
We got permission from the attorney general to ship out all orders dated before May 1, 2020, so have been doing so as fast as possible. We have finished every receiver set for every order that has been placed, but have not received the OK to ship any that were placed after May 1, 2020.
Our next court date is later this month and we are very hopeful of the outcome.

Keep up the good fight Rick. I only discovered the receiver set on May 1st, 2020, and placed an order the same day. I then paid in full on the 22nd as I was aware of your intention to file an action against the FEDs in regards to the OIC. I just now pledged another $100 to the go-fund-me page.

I encourage others to support this gentleman in his legal action any way they can.

Thanks for the update and all the best.
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